Woke Up to War.

in The Ink Well5 months ago

"Rrrrriiggggg" was the sound of my alarm coming from the phone a few feet away. After last night's meeting, I left the phone on my desk, walked to my bed, and slid into my blanket like a snail retracting into its shell. It was 7 am already and my alarm continued to ring, I lay still on the bed as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains and stirred me from my slumber. As consciousness returned, an uncontrollable anger filled my heart as I clutched my fist and closed my eyes tight like I didn't want to wake up again. I had woken feeling groggy and irritable, with spit in my mouth and a bladder filled with urine - I had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.

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I got up from the bed with my white singlet rolled up to my chest, and my short boxers half worn. I struggled to stand properly as my strength hadn't returned to me fully. As I made my way to the bathroom, I supported myself with my hands on the passage to the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and rested my hands on the face-washing basin. "What could have gotten me so angry this morning?" I thought to myself as I opened the tap, made a praying hand figure like someone trying to beg for something then placed it under the running tap, filled it up, and splashed the water on my face.

In the bathroom, my reflection stared back at me with heavy-lidded eyes and untamed locks as I looked at the mirror hanging on the wall. Not even a shower could lift my sore spirits.

The more I stare at the mirror, the more I remember what had happened in the previous meeting before I slept.

"Sir, I understand what you are saying. We can have a document like that in our course. We can include the benefit of learning from us at the beginning of the course instead of the ending side" That was me trying to explain the basics of writing to my boss which he employed me to do.

"I want it at the last part of the course. You are not the one that will tell me what to do." He spoke. I couldn't see his face because it was a Google Meet call but the tone, he was using was an angry tone and from his tone, I could detect he wanted what he said should be the final decision.

"Sir, I understand what you are saying but it would be better to have it in the first paragraph so the reader or clients can know what they need to stick with us and learn from us. Having the benefit first will make them know we have more to offer...." Before I could finish my statement, he cut off saying.

"You know what? Delete everything about the course. I will give you something else to work on." I couldn't believe my ears, my eyes almost popped out as I stared at the screen angrily. I muted the call and started calling him names because this is my job and he knows little about passing messages to the audience.

"Hello, Hello. Are you there?" He was calling out to me but I didn't have the mental strength to reply to him at that moment. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, my laptop crashed and went off making it feel like I ended the call. I picked up my phone to call him back, the night was cold but I could feel myself sweating.

"I don't want to argue again this night," I said to myself as I dropped my phone on my desk and slid into my blanket to have a good sleep but waking up was something else because I got up at the wrong side of the bed

I prepared to go to the office, but the battle was far from over because I will have to explain why we couldn't finish our meeting last night and surprisingly, my laptop was working again after I put it on that morning. It was then I realized I would have a very long day at the office.


Ooh that’s sad
I’m even happy that you didn’t pick up your phone to call him because he might have ruined your night
Sorry about that

It’s what we deal with
It’s not easy

Waking up with that feeling of I don't feel like waking up is always something I don't wish because that day will never be productive and it will even affect innocent people around me.

But let me askoooo, your boss , does he want to do the job by himself because I don't understand how all this employees behave sometimes

You see that my boss, his area of expertise is different from my but the man is always thinking like he knows it all and he isn't ready to learn from other people.

Eyy. You and your boss saga making you have such morning 😁😁 it happens sometimes but we just have to shake it off and move on. Some boss can be authoritative, they want their things to be done and do not want to listen to their employee, perhaps they might have a good opinion.

I like that he is innovative and all but there are times his idea get my work complicated. There was a day we had a long conversation on one of my job and I had to make him see he was wrong after a very long conversation. It was then he understood, like do we have to go through all this for you to see the point

Hahaha. Sometimes, you need smooth and long communication to understand a point. Lol

I don’t like to talk too much

I just kept smiling reading this, I can imagine how angry you were when he asked you to delete everything about the course.

It was really not cool bro
I felt really bad

Gran trabajoooo felicidades

Ouch! I can relate to this and I must say it wasn't a pleasant experience.

Thank you for sharing your story.

It wasn’t o
Thanks for reading

Dealing with I know it all, boss. Can be very annoying. Imagine telling someone that this is the right thing, but he keeps arguing. You will be so angry but will have to bolt it in for peace's sake

Cool babe
There are days we do it his way and when things go south, he will put the blame on you and say
“You are the expert, you should know better”

Thats how dey behave

Employers and their wahala. I can relate when they try to tell you how well they know the job better even when they are messing around.

They mess around and later put the blame on you

This was a well crafted piece.

A beautiful story...Your boss really got you worked up for real😅
I can relate..

He really did and continues to

🤣😂😂 so how did you sort things out with your boss? 😂

I just allow him to do the talking and continue my work

🤣😂... You are wise, that's the best way to handle such conflict.

You are even trying sef 😅😅 me I will not be able to handle such a boss

Planning on leaving them soon
After all, I work for other companies too