Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Readings: 3 John 5-8, Psalm 112, & Luke 18:1-8.
"He told them a parable about the necessity of praying always and not losing heart" (Luke 18:1).
Jesus is Lord, praise him now and forever. Today friends Jesus tells a parable to encourage his disciples to persevere in prayer as they labored to build God's kingdom.
In the story, a widow pleaded with a judge for her rights. They were popularly called 'robber judges' as they disregarded both God's law and human need. Unless plaintiffs had influence and money to bribe the judge there was no hope of ever getting their cases settled.
Widows were especially defenseless members of society. Without support of a husband and lacking resources of any kind, they had no hope of expecting justice. However, in Jesus' story, the widow persisted in her demand to be heard, and the judge finally relented.
Jesus says that if this hardhearted individual could be moved, how much more would God’s children be given what they need? Jesus asks a hard question: “When the Son of Man returns in glory, will he find any faith on the earth?”
Beloved in Christ, do i persevere in prayer or give up easily? Can I learn from this poor widow? Do I support the poor and the defenseless in my society? Lord Jesus, hear the prayers of those who are treated unjustly. May the Lord bless us all. Peace and joy, Amen.