The Ancient Footprints [ENG/ESP]

in The Ink Well3 years ago


Source/Fuente: Created Photo by/Foto Creado por Liuzishan in/en

Greetings, friends of Hive Blockchain. Once again, I have been encouraged to participate in edition number 62 of The Ink Well Prompt, the great call for entries from the The Ink Well community, which week after week challenges us with interesting creative writing proposals. For this week, we have been asked to use the word Footprint in our creations, plus include as an additional writing skill, a resource known as Show, Don't Tell. This is a very interesting weekly initiative and you should pay close attention to it because it is very demanding in terms of certain rules to comply with. I invite you to read in detail here is the contest invitation, so that you are very clear about the details and conditions. For this edition, I have created a fictitious story for which I have taken some elements of our history and reality as humanity. I hope it will be to everyone's liking.

Saludos, amigos de Hive Blockchain. Nuevamente, me he animado a participar en la edición número 62 de The Ink Well Prompt, la genial convocatoria de la comunidad The Ink Well, que semana a semana nos desafía con interesantes propuestas de escritura creativa. Para esta semana, se nos ha pedido usar la palabra Huella en nuestras creaciones, además de incluir como habilidad de escritura adicional, un recurso conocido como Mostrar, No Contar. Se trata de una muy interesante iniciativa semanal y a la cual debes prestar mucha atención, por lo exigente de la misma en cuanto a ciertas reglas a cumplir. Te invito a leer detalladamente aquí la invitación al concurso, para que estés muy claro de los detalles y condiciones. Para esta edición, he creado un relato ficticio y para el cual he tomado algunos elementos de nuestra historia y realidad como humanidad. Espero sea del agrado de todos.

The Ancient Footprints

The dreadful rumbling surprised all the inhabitants of that island. It was accompanied by numerous tremors that gradually increased. Although the noise was very powerful at first, many of the inhabitants thought that it did not mean a great calamity, which became less evident as the minutes passed. The tremors came and went, making everything underfoot move slightly, at first, in a very soft way, but, which became more perceptible. Few imagined the catastrophe that was looming over that mythical island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Las Huellas Antiguas

El pavoroso estruendo sorprendió a todos los habitantes de aquella isla. El mismo vino acompañado de numerosos temblores que se fueron incrementando paulatinamente. Aunque fue muy poderoso el ruido que se escuchó en un principio, muchos de los habitantes pensaron que no significaría una gran calamidad, lo cual se fue haciendo menos evidente según transcurrían los minutos. Los temblores iban y venían, hacían que todo bajo los pies se moviera levemente, en un primer momento, de una forma muy suave, pero, que se fue haciendo más perceptible. Pocos imaginaban la catástrofe que se cernía sobre aquella mítica isla en medio del Océano Atlántico.

Dariadna felt the first rumble while he was at home, a few meters from the main road to the center of the island. He immediately went out to observe and try to find out what was happening, while he felt the earth he was walking on vibrate almost imperceptibly. She walked a few meters to the top of the small hill that bordered his home, where he had a wonderful view of the entire island. As he looked into the distance, she was petrified. Towards the eastern part of the island, where the port was located, he could see huge columns that seemed to him to be water, rising upwards in a kind of great flow shot by a large pipe. Only these would be pipes so inconceivably large and numerous. For a moment it seemed to him that the island was leaning towards where he saw those immense inverted waterfalls rising. Overcome with fear, he knelt down and prayed that this was all a cruel nightmare. He closed his eyes and deep inside himself, he thought repeatedly: "Please, I want to wake up, I don't like this dream", but when he tried to do it for the third time, the ground where she was kneeling confirmed that she was awake.

Dariadna sintió el primer estruendo estando en su casa, a pocos metros de la vía principal hacia el centro de la isla. De inmediato salió a observar y tratar de averiguar que sucedía, mientras sentía como la tierra que pisaba cobraba una casi imperceptible vibración. Camino unos pocos metros hasta la cima de la pequeña colina que bordeaba su hogar, donde tenía una maravillosa vista de toda la isla. Al mirar a lo lejos, quedo petrificada. Hacia la zona este de la isla, donde se ubicaba el puerto, pudo observar inmensas columnas que le parecían de agua, elevándose hacia lo alto en una especie de gran caudal disparado por una gran tubería. Solo que estas serian tuberías tan inconcebiblemente grandes y numerosas. Por un momento le pareció que la isla se inclinaba hacia donde veía subir aquellas inmensas cascadas invertidas. Invadida por el miedo, se arrodilló e imploro que todo esto fuera una cruel pesadilla. Cerro sus ojos y muy dentro de sí, pensó repetidamente: «Por favor, quiero despertar, este sueño no me gusta», pero al tratar de hacerlo por tercera vez, el suelo donde se arrodillaba le confirmo que estaba despierta.


Imagen de Dina Dee en Pixabay

It was as if he had fallen into a huge slide. The hill where he was located, gave way completely below his knees and slid down, carrying behind him, everything that was the beautiful community where his residence was located. In spite of the enormous noise produced by all this earthly calamity, which crumbled into an immense hole and swallowed everything, he could hear the terrifying screams of terror, terror, panic, and pain that befell those who a few seconds ago were his neighbors, his relatives, his friends and every living being on the island. In spite of the enormous descent into the depths, he could notice that it was happening in slow motion, which allowed him to cling as best she could to the grass that still supported him. The ground was still falling, everything around him was crumbling and he could see people falling, rolling, and rushing to an inexorable death. He could see them rolling around him, he felt the despair and surprise in each of the screams he heard and knew that, for all of them, the end had come.

Fue como si hubiese caído a un enorme tobogán. La colina donde se ubicaba, cedió por completo bajo de sus rodillas y se deslizó hacia abajo, llevando tras de sí, todo lo que era la hermosa comunidad donde se ubicaba su residencia. A pesar del enorme ruido que producía toda esta calamidad terrenal, que se desmoronaba hacia un inmenso hoyo y que se tragaba todo, podía escuchar los aterradores gritos de espanto, de terror, pánico y dolor que acontecía a quienes hace unos segundos eran sus vecinos, sus familiares, sus amigos y todo ser viviente en la isla. A pesar del descomunal desterronamiento hacia la profundidad, podía notar que este ocurría como en cámara lenta, lo que le permitió aferrarse como pudo a la grama que aun la sostenía. El suelo seguía cayendo, todo a su alrededor se desmoronaba y podía ver como las personas caían, rodaban y se precipitaban a una muerte inexorable. Los pudo ver rodando a su alrededor, sintió la desesperación y sorpresa en cada uno de los gritos que escucho y supo que, para todos, había llegado el fin.

Dariadna only had time to think that, all the prophecies were coming true at that calamitous moment for all the inhabitants of the island. He remembered the ancestral history that told them that their island was not really an island. She knew that what everyone called island, was actually a giant spaceship of a civilization that was forced to leave their very distant planet, as it was approaching the end of its sun, which would mean the extinction of their race. This immense ship traveled for centuries in space, which led to 136 generations inside it until they found this planet which they called Earth. After landing in the middle of the ocean, they occupied a vast space thanks to the dimensions of the ship. This became, with the passage of time, a floating island, but that, at the same time, would lead to its end, defeated by the same conditions that destroy the metal in the middle of the salty water of the sea. Something that the leaders knew and for a long time refused to recognize and admit, so as not to hinder the evacuation plans they were preparing.

As they continued to fall to the bottom of the ocean with everything that involved their immense ship turned into an island, Dariadna could only regret that this was happening, lacking little for the final journey that would take them to the mainland, where in the desert, the new city was being built, full of splendor, magnanimity and with a fantastic, incredible and immense system of pyramids, which would serve as a means of contact for the other ships that were believed, still wandering in space. He thought of the footprints they left behind, but that, with most of the key elements of the immense construction being in the desert, even on the island, these would perhaps be lost forever at the bottom of the seabed. As they continued to fall, he could look up, as the ocean spilled over the island as it traveled into the abyss, until the water covered everything, even its very essence as a privileged being of space.

Dariadna solo tuvo tiempo de pensar en que, todas las profecías se hacían realidad en ese momento calamitoso para todos los habitantes de la isla. Recordó la historia ancestral que les indicaba que su isla no era realmente una isla. Sabía que lo que todos llamaban isla, era en realidad una gigantesca nave espacial de una civilización que se vio obligada a abandonar su muy lejano planeta, ya que el mismo se acercaba al fin de su sol, lo cual significaría la extinción de su raza. Esta inmensa nave, viajo durante siglos en el espacio, lo que llevo a que se sucedieran dentro de ella 136 generaciones, hasta que encontraron este planeta al que llamaron Tierra. Después de lograr aterrizar en el medio del océano, ocuparon un vasto espacio del mismo gracias a las dimensiones de la nave. Esta se convirtió, con el paso del tiempo, en una isla flotante, pero que, el mismo tiempo, llevaría a su final, vencida por las mismas condiciones que destruyen el metal en medio del agua salada del mar. Algo que los líderes sabían y que por mucho tiempo se negaron a reconocer y admitir, para no entorpecer los planes de evacuación que estaban preparando.

Mientras seguían cayendo al fondo del océano con todo lo que involucraba a su inmensa nave convertida en isla, Dariadna solo pudo lamentar que esto ocurriera, faltando poco para el viaje definitivo que los llevaría a tierra firme, donde en pleno desierto, se construía la nueva ciudad.llena de esplendor, magnanimidad y con un fantástico, increíble e inmenso sistema de pirámides, la cuales servirían como medio de contacto para las otras naves que se creía, aún vagaban en el espacio. Pensó en las huellas que dejaban, pero que, al estar la mayoría de los elementos claves de la inmensa construcción en el desierto, aun en la isla, estas quizás se perderían para siempre en el fondo del lecho marino. Mientras seguían cayendo, pudo mirar hacia arriba, como el océano se desparramaba sobre la isla mientras esta viajaba hacia el abismo, hasta que el agua lo cubrió todo, incluso su misma esencia de ser privilegiado del espacio.


Source/Fuente:Created Vector by/Vector Creado por Macrovector in/en

Este post es de mi autoría y expreso en él, mis experiencias y aprendizajes cada día en este Blockchain. Todas las imágenes son editadas por mí y corresponden a capturas realizadas en mi PC y las fuentes están indicadas en cada caso. Si te gusta, puedes dejar un comentario u opinión y tu voto favorable.

This post is of my authorship and I express in it, my experiences and learnings every day in this Blockchain. All images are edited by me and correspond to captures made on my PC and the sources are indicated in each case. If you like it, you can leave a comment or opinion and your favorable vote.

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This story got me imagining the earth to be this Island. Would be a terrible sight watching all humanity sink into the abyss. Nice story!

It would be terrible if that happened to us and writing the story, I was moved just thinking about it. God protect us. Thanks for the input.

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Kudos for not engineering an escape. This is a dramatic story with great descriptions. You indeed do 'show' the reader, and what we see is terrible. You do not spare us. Why should you? Have not islands disappeared in the past? Have not people been inundated? Your ending is quite impressive.

For such fine writing it should be noted that you have some confusion in the gender of your pronouns. This is likely a function of translation. Still, you might want to address that.

Thank you for posting this fine story in the Ink Well community. Likewise, we thank you for supporting other writers with your comments.

I'll have to check the pronouns. Perhaps it is because at first, I wanted the main character to be a man and in the end, I decided on the girl.
I liked how the story turned out and I wanted the reader to be able to imagine the scene. It really is dramatic. Thanks for the appreciation and advice. This activity is lovely. Greetings.

Creatively abstract
Great job friend
Nice story

Thanks, I made it carefully. Greetings

Fantastic story, I liked how you were describing the apocalyptic disaster you were narrating. Excellent ending.
Regards @fragozar01

Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it. Greetings.

Muy creativo tu escrito, un deleite escucharte en la actividad de @votovzla <3

Gracias por venir a PROMUEVE TU PUBLICACIÓN y acá dejamos nuestro apoyo a tu publicación. Saludos @fragozar01.