This is a cross post of @gamer00/vertigo
In lieu of my previous Ink Well post, I'm sharing this older post I wrote in 2018 for a few more comments. I can't get rewarded, but You might like the read. It's also a dream. Very short story. by @gamer00.
This is a cross post of @gamer00/vertigo
In lieu of my previous Ink Well post, I'm sharing this older post I wrote in 2018 for a few more comments. I can't get rewarded, but You might like the read. It's also a dream. Very short story. by @gamer00.
The funny thing about dreams: the rational intrudes into the irrational. Makes for interesting stories, also, if you ever want to try your hand at a true short story.
Hi @gamer00. Please read our community rules. This is a fiction community only. And we only accept original work. Thanks!
And which rule did I break?
Unless you consider dreams factual, like encyclopedias and dictionaries I'm not sure why you are offended. Both stories I submitted are definitely my original content, and not taken off from anyone else.
If someone has written something similar, it is purely coincidental, because at least as far as I know, I have absolutely no recollection of seeing such stories before writing mine. I know that much about copyright laws, working in the field (photography) that while I don't think the laws are perfectly just, my creations will be always created by me just in case.
Before you reply, read this.
I'm sorry I didn't explain it well. If your story is fiction, that's fine. But the issue is cross-posting previously published content. (Rule #4.)
Thanks for understanding.
Emphasis mine.
Reading that again, and again, and I am sure I didn't break the rule.