Sofia's dissection (ESP-ENG)

in The Ink Well3 days ago

Sofia felt uneasy, although that spring morning she had woken up after a good night's sleep, and she was having this strange feeling in her body. It is a feeling that forces her to roll over and look around her. She feels a feeling of tightness in her chest, it runs down her arms and she feels sporadic shivers.


She doesn't know it yet but the moment has come, her moment…

Sofia was a medical student, she had a slim body, white complexion, and long, reddish hair, always curled in a ponytail on her head. That morning she decided to leave home early because she had to go to the anatomy room to pick up a cadaver. She was to dissect a heart.

At 20 years of age, she was very close to her last year of studies. Her wishes were that by the time she finished her studies she would go back to her town to care for the needy.

As she left the house, in spite of everything she was feeling, she could feel the soft spring breeze in the air, the leafy trees with their shade, covering her a little from the radiant sun at that time of the day. She walked to the bus stop that would take her to her destination.

She took her bus, still feeling that strange sensation that did not let her breathe in the best way. She felt shivers from time to time as if someone was behind her.

So she arrived at the university and went to the morgue to pick up the corpse that had already been assigned to her beforehand. But wait... something happened... at the last minute without her receiving notification of the change, now the body she would study was that of a young woman, her own age. There it was written:

“Student Sophia is assigned a female cadaver.”

She put on her blue gown, cap, mask, and gloves; in a few moments, she began to separate the tissues of the chest by planes. Until it reached the heart. She took it, weighed it, checked the large vessels, and then went to the small ones. There were the coronaries.

“From what I can see, the main branch is obstructed. Although she is a young person she had a blood clot lodged in the main artery.”

Thus, she continued his study of all the formative elements of this young heart. Now it was her turn to the ventricles.

“The left ventricle is slightly thickened, which suggests to me that the bearer of this heart must have shown symptoms of fatigue on medium effort.”

-She did not fail to make his own conjectures from his examination...

“This girl must have had a hereditary factor that gave her a cardiac disorder at an early age. She must have had difficulty breathing when climbing steps, sweating when walking a few miles, frequent physical exhaustion, a feeling of tightness in her chest.

It could have been that she did not heed her body's demands. Everything starts out mild and the person gets used to it until she thinks it is something normal and then, after this particular thing we all do called “procrastination”, we go to the doctor afterward.

-Well, I have finished. My conclusion is that the girl to whom this heart belonged suffered cardiac arrest from having coronary artery tamponade, as a genetic factor primarily. Now I must read her history to be certain of my findings. It could also be that she was taking pharmaceuticals since, at this point, anything is possible in all human beings”.


She moved the corpse to its corresponding place, after carefully closing all the plans she had already opened. The medical history was in the place where the corpses are removed for evaluation, in the living room of the morgue of the medical school. Medical students were required to review the patient's history after making their presumptive diagnosis.

She began to read the patient's history and her eyes began to get round from the impression she was receiving. The patient's name was Sofia Perez, just like her.

-She was a 20-year-old female patient, who a week ago presented heart failure while she was riding public transportation in the morning hours. According to inquiries, she was a regular student of the medical school. She was assisted by those present but all resuscitation measures were unsuccessful-

Sofia immediately ran to see her patient's corpse again, there she could observe her better.

Surprise! The corpse was a white-skinned, slender girl with long, reddish hair and a bow tied on her head... She let herself collapse on the floor, she had just dissected her own heart. She hadn't realized it until now.

That morning, his body gave him warnings that his heart was failing, but he still preferred to take the bus. She walked two blocks and then ran a few yards because she almost missed the bus. Standing there on the bus, clutching a railing with one hand, she began to feel more tightness in her chest until she could no longer remember anything.

She went about her normal routine without realizing that she was no longer on this earthly plane. She had passed away about a week ago, but for some mysterious reason, she kept busy with her daily chores.


I am @gertu from Venezuela to the world.


(español)[La disección de Sofía
Sofía se siente intranquila, aunque esa mañana de primavera había despertado después de dormir bien durante toda la noche, está teniendo esa sensación algo extraña en su cuerpo. Es una sensación que le obliga a darse la vuelta, a ver a su alrededor. Siente una sensación de opresión en el pecho, le recorre los brazos y siente escalofríos esporádicos.
No lo sabe aún pero ha llegado el momento, su momento.
Sofía era estudiante de medicina, tenía un cuerpo delgado, de tez blanca y pelo largo, de color rojizo, enrollado siempre en una cola en su cabeza. Esa mañana decidió salir más temprano de casa porque debía pasar por el salón de anatomía a recoger un cadáver. Debía hacer la disección de un corazón.
A sus 20 años de edad ella estaba muy cerca de su último año de estudio en la carrera. Sus deseos eran que para cuando terminara de estudiar se iría de regreso a su pueblo a atender a los más necesitados.
Al salir de casa a pesar de todo lo que estaba sintiendo pudo notar en el ambiente la suave brisa de primavera, los árboles frondosos con su sombra, la cubrían un poco del sol radiante a esa hora del día. Caminaba a diario dos cuadras hasta llegar a la parada del bus que la llevaría hasta su destino.
Tomó su bus, aún sintiendo esa extraña sensación que no la dejaba respirar de la mejor forma. Sentía escalofríos de vez en cuando y cómo si alguien estuviese detrás de ella.
Así llego a la universidad, pasó a la morgue a retirar el cadáver que ya con antelación se le había asignado. Pero espera… algo pasó… a última hora sin ella recibir notificación del cambio, ahora el cuerpo que estudiaría era el de una mujer joven, de su misma edad. Allí estaba escrito:
“bachiller Sofía le correponde cadáver femenino.”
Se colocó su bata azul, el gorro, su tapabocas y los guantes; en pocos momentos comenzó a separar por planos los tejidos del pecho. Hasta que llegó a su pieza, allí estaba su corazón. Lo tomó, le pesó, revisó los grandes vasos y luego fue a los pequeños. Allí estaban las coronarias.
“Por lo que puedo ver, la rama principal está obstruída. Aunque es persona joven tenía un coagulo de sangre alojado en la arteria principal.”
Así mantenía su estudio de todos los elementos formes de este corazón joven. Ahora le tocó a los ventrículos.
-“El ventrículo izquierdo está levemente engrosado, esto me sugiere que el portador de este corazón debía haber presentado síntomas de cansancio a medianos esfuerzos.”-
No dejó de hacerse conjeturas propias de su exploración…
“Esta chica debió tener un factor hereditario que le propició una alteración cardíaca a temprana edad. Debió tener dificultad para respirar al subir escalones, sudoración al caminar pocos kilómetros de distancia, agotamiento físico frecuente, sensación de opresión en su pecho”
“Pudo haber sido que no le hizo caso a las demandas de su organismo. Todo comienza leve y se va acostumbrado la persona a ello hasta pensar que es algo normal. Y luego, esto que tenemos y hacemos todos los seres humanos, de irse después al médico.”
“Bien, he terminado. Mi conclusión es que la chica a la que perteneció este corazón sufrió un paro cardíaco por tener un taponamiento de las coronarias, como factor genético principalmente. Ahora debo leer su historial para obtener la certeza de mis hallazgos. También pudiera ser que tomaba fármacos, a estas alturas todo es posible en todos los seres humanos.”
Paso el cadáver a su lugar correspondiente, luego de cerrar con esmero todos los planos que ya había abierto. La historia clínica estaba en el lugar donde se retiran los cadáveres para ser evaluados, en la sala de estar de la morgue de la facultad de medicina. Deben ser revisados por los bachilleres posterior al estudio realizado con su diagnostico presuntivo.
Comenzó a leer la historia de la paciente y sus ojos comenzaron a ponerse redondos de la impresión que estaba recibiendo. La paciente se llamaba Sofía Perez, como ella.
Se trata de paciente femenina de 20 años de edad, quien hace una semana presento falla cardíaca mientras se trasladaba en el transporte público, en horas de la mañana. Según las averiguaciones era estudiante regular de la escuela de medicina. Fue auxiliada por los presentes pero fue infructuosa toda medida de rehanimación.
Sofía corrió de inmediato a ver de nuevo a su paciente cadáver, allí la pudo observar mejor.
¡Sorpresa! –Su cadáver era una chica de piel blanca, delgada, de cabello largo, rojizo y con un moño atado a su cabeza… Se dejó desplomar en el suelo, acababa de hacerle una disección a su propio corazón. No se había dado cuenta hasta ahora. Esa mañana, su cuerpo le dio avisos de su falla cardíaca pero aún así ella prefirió tomar el autubus, después de correr unos metros porque casi lo pierde. Allí parada en el bus, sosteniéndose con una mano de un barandal, comenzó a tener más opresión en el pecho hasta que ya no recordó nada.-
Mantuvo su rutina normal sin darse cuenta que ya no estaba en este plano terrenal. Había fallecido hacía aproximadamente una semana, pero por alguna razón misteriosa se mantuvo ocupada en sus faenas diarias]



Wow, you really surprised me with that ending. I never thought the story would have a paranormal tone. I can say it was a pleasant surprise that makes it very brilliant.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Monday.

I'm glad and flattered by your comment, I'm really pleased that someone felt comfortable with my publication as you said.

I look forward to reading your post as well.

Hope she had taken drugs to relieve that chest pain I see most cases been sent to
Hospital or death

Thank you for reading and visiting my publication.

Wawu.. such an intriguing story evolving life after death. The Anatomy done on herself symbolizes the mystery behind a desire she could not leave to put in participation .


Or it was all a mystery so that she could realize that she was already dead. She did not realize it, she was always immersed in her studies.

Thank you for your comment.

You are also 100 from that perspective.


Thank you very much.

Wow... What a twist!!! Procrastination is damaging especially when it has to do with taking care of one's health. If Sofia was given another chance, she would handle things differently.

You are right, when negative things happen to us we think of going back to the past, but it is very different being in today, in the now.

Thank you for your valuable comment.