At the hospital


When Maria opened her eyes, a horrible silence reigned in her hospital room. She could not stand up, felt weak and fragile, was exhausted, and felt intense pain in her lower abdomen.

Then, suddenly remembered the baby; where was my baby? She shouted.

But no one responded to her cries. Maria had been dreaming about the day she gave birth since she was pregnant.

She was delighted when her doctor told her the news; she could feel it in her body, hear its heartbeat, and feel its movements when it moved.

She prepared a nice room to welcome her little baby. She had painted the walls in anise green. She put a yellow wool carpet next to her white bed, which was covered with a yellow sheet on which there were giraffes. Bells hung above the bed that played soft music every time the window was opened.

Maria had thought of every detail, the shampoo, the soap to make his little shower, a nice cotton towel to wipe him. Stories to read to him before going to sleep, a lamp with adjustable light so as not to hurt his eyes, toys to play with him...

Maria stayed alone for a while, asking herself a thousand and one questions.

What happened?

Where is my baby?

The door of the room opened, and Maria finally saw her husband. She breathed a sigh of relief and held out her hand, looking for answers to her questions in his eyes, but her husband avoided looking at her.

Maria was torn apart by a sense of great sadness and realized that the long-awaited baby was already gone...


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That is the most beautiful moment for a mother and at the same time for the reason she need to suffer but mother forget about all the pain whenever they see the face of their baby.


@intishar! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @globetrottergcc. (3/10)

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Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well. Your story is very sad and very short. We do prefer at least 350 words as a minimum.

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Again, welcome!

Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate the encouragement and will keep that in mind next time.

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Wow! It works fantastic,