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RE: Higgledy-Piggledy Chaos

in The Ink Well5 months ago

Welcome to Hive.

To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the Hive blog in your Instagram profile?

You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.

Thank you.

More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup


I don't understand how mentioning my hive blog on my insta profile will verify my authorship. I posted the story on here only and nowhere else. Anybody claiming it belongs to them should send the proof.. also, you can do a date correlation and see that I'm the owner.

Nonetheless, I don't really have a standard insta profile, I just have a casual one I kinda use to just stroll on there occasionally. I suppose you want me to mention my have blog @islariver on there right? If so, what next?

You are welcome to add the word "hive" to any well-established social media account, please.

I said I'm not a social kind of person, since when is having a social media profile compulsory? I can't have a private/social media-free life if i want to?
I beg your pardon!!

The account will be blacklisted until proper verification is provided.

AI-generated content could be considered fraud.

I have the right to not have social accounts, if it's a prerequisite to join hive you should include it on the sign up page. This is absolute nonsense..

Regarding AI-generated content, I am not denying the fact that I do employ it in my writing process, I am very accepting of AI and I believe it has come to stay.. it makes my work easier and I also get to learn in the process.. but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing.. I use it quite creatively, so if you're gonna stay there and accuse me of using AI, the least you can do is show me PROOF!! is it a paragraph, a sentence, or some software indication?? I reserve the right to know if you're gonna embarrass me like this..

Once again, it is not compulsory in any nation/sense/ideology to have a social media account. I'm within my rights. So do whatever pleases you.

If I'm being punished for using AI, I won't fight that, I purposely stopped writing when the admin made that clear in my last story, this is not the only platform I write and that's not the first time, neither will it be the last time I use AI.. but if you're punishing me because of the so-called "Established" profile, then that's on you, I'll debate that any day, any time, anywhere!!

Other social media don't pay you for content. Therefore using AI-generated articles pretending to be the author of it could be considered fraud on Hive.

Also, creating a fake identity to deceive the community could be considered fraud.


Fake identity??
Are you okay???


We asked for a well-established social media account.

This is not a well-established social media account:


Another thing is that the stories that you publish appear to be AI-generated or copied from AI-generated source.


We asked for a well-established social media account.
This is not a well-established social media account:


Also, creating AI-generated stories could be considered fraud.