in The Ink Well7 months ago

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Mike just finish is college and was very excited to finally be done with college.
The very day he wrote is final exams he and his friends organised a small party, like an after party inside the college premises where they had an amazing gist party. Well the party was so good that they all got drunk only two of his friends does not drink alcohol so there were the only one who did not drunk.

After that day Mike invited his friends over so they can get to gist before everyone will begin to process to move to University.
Mike loved that he was done with college but the only thing that made him to be restless was is girlfriend.
Mike has a girlfriend, her name is Ruth. Ruth was Mike's classmate. He so much love Ruth that after school he sees Ruth off to her place and gets home in the evening every school days.
Their love grew day by day because Mike is a lover boy. He does not like when he and Ruth has an argument because he won't be able to sleep at night.

Three month after their final exams, their relationship was already two years.
Mike was not working then but he made sure he suprise Ruth with the little gift he could afford. Ruth was very happy because she never expected Mike would get her a gift because she knows he does not have a work.
Well has time passed things started changing maybe because they could not see regularly like before. So every week they started having issues over little things, because Mike is a lover boy he could not take it and decided to go over to Ruth's place.

So Mike asked Ruth If she would be home because it had been more than a month they have been having issues over little things. The day Mike decided to visit Ruth he left home early so he would get to her place early in the afternoon so they could talk for long.
Mike got to Ruth place quite early around 12:30pm. When Ruth saw him she gave him a faint smile but Mike did not take that to heart because that was the reason why he came over to find out what could possibly be wrong.

Not quite long when Mike got to Ruth place her parent came in and they have not even started talking. Ruth parent knows Mike has Ruth were close friends so they greeted him and asked about his parent and that was that.
The parent went to their room and left Mike and Ruth in the Living Room.

Mike then move close to Ruth and asked her what is wrong and why have they been having issues over little things. Ruth look at Mike and could not say anything, Ruth asked Mike that she would be back in few minutes that she want to use the restroom, and she left him and came back after two minute.
Mike asked again Ruth, what is wrong and why can't I get an answer. To his suprise Ruth said Mike I love you but please let break up.

Mike could not believe his ears, the words shocked him that he told her that he needed to use the restroom.
When Mike got back his eyes were already full of tears because he felt heartbroken.
When Mike got back he asked, Ruth why do you want us to break up, she said I don't know want to say to be honest; she went ahead and said am not mad at you or you did something wrong, I just want us to breakup.

Mike could not say anything else, the only word that left his mouth that day was "Okay" with a broken heart.
Mike hugged Ruth and made his leave. Throughout that week Mike could not eat well and started staying indoor.

Mike's parent noticed his sudden behaviour and both is parent approach him a night after work.
Mike's father said son what is the problem, you changed all of a sudden, Is there something we need to know "then Mike said mom dad nothing is wrong I just want to have sometime to myself but am I fine. His parent said to him not to get himself stressed up and they both left his room.
After few days Mike and Ruth started talking and became just friends. After a year and half Ruth already got into a relationship but Mike was still scared because of his last relationship.


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Love is for the strong at heart. i think Mike should man up and try again.

Love is very powerful. It could break anybody down

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