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RE: Quick end

in The Ink Well8 months ago

Thank you @jjmusa2004 for this update. Now I have something to use and pursue somebody without offending their ancestors. If I tell somebody I don't accept visitors, they will act up, I will be using this technique from now on 😂😂😂😂😂😂


God will forgive you.
What if he gets what you asked for?

Just extend my cut. Thanks in advance


You won't believe I thought of that 😂😂😂😂

Don't worry, I know that it is very rare for that to happen so I have no worries.

Some men can go the extra mile to get what they want, even years.

If you meet someone like me, small no like this, I keep walking forward without looking back.

Sha don't forget my cut. Thanks in advance

I'd like to meet these men who go the extra mile, maybe, I will be able to bill them enough to build my stakes. Win-win. I will delegate to you or put you on auto vote...Shebi, you like that kind of cut, right? 😂

My beggar has no choice... Well done 3-1

I am a winner girl 💃💃💃