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RE: The uncertain penalty

in The Ink Well7 months ago

These are memories I can't forget in a hurry – large number of students being admitted for a course with little resources. Or is it the survival of the fittest when it's time for lectures? 😁

Good thing you had a good score. Now imagine someone from the blues who had copied you well scored higher than you did? Definitely, you'd devise a new means on where to sit during Mr Nana's test or exams.


You passed through that stage too? It's hell!
During our time, the people I must pitied were those in business school. Their numbers were double of ours and kept imagining their everyday struggle.

Good thing you had a good score.

If it happened the other way round, only God knows what would have happened to my social life with those people. Lol

Thank you for stopping by T!

I can relate, lol.