Your aunt's story made me laugh hard- I was busy picturing her widening her eyes and giving that "malicious smile" when she said she ended up with four daughters instead of the two sons she dreamed of.
I get what she meant about not wanting to bother daydreaming too much. One will be wondering, why set yourself up for disappointment when you can just focus on making plans and working towards goals without getting too caught up in the fantasy version of how things will play out?
Although I have to say, your cousin's idea of being a pilot/engineer who can fix his own plane mid-flight is pretty epic. If that's not a daydream worth having, I don't know what is.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I'm glad my aunt's story gave you a good laugh. Her expressions are definitely something to behold! I totally agree with your point about balancing daydreams with realistic planning. It's a great approach to life. And yes, my cousin's dream is indeed epic—being a pilot/engineer who can fix his own plane mid-flight is the perfect mix of ambition and imagination!