The death line is almost approaching and I am yet to tell if I will be able to do this as I have engaged in so many activities lately that will not even give me the chance to think not to talk of putting something down.
That's Samuel having thought to himself as he tried to put something down.
Why are you sitting alone? John walked down talking to Sam, nothing bro Sam replied with a fake smile trying to wave John off further questions.
But that's a lie John replied, I know you very well and I can tell when you are not alright.
Have you forgotten so soon how far we have come? I know every action of yours and can interpret them and you know they will correspond to the exact problem you have?
But this time around I wouldn't want to be doing that so the earlier you start telling me what the issue is the better for you.
After a prolonged argument, John gave up and they continued with the normal conversation even though Sam was not all that active in conversing at that moment as he was thinking about how to meet up with the target of a contest before the final day.
When Sam could no longer hold himself he decided to share with John what the problem was.
John, there is this contest I always engage in every week and it involves writing short stories as prompts will be given to foster your write up.
Yes, so what about the contest if you don't write what will happen to you? John asked.
Nothing will happen to me, Sam replied but the problem is that it will affect my activity on the platform and I don't want that to happen.
Ok, John replied so what's the prompt for this week let me see if I can come up with something to help out.
"Worry" is that the prompt for the week? John asked, yes of course Sam replied then why worry since you already have something to write. John concluded. But what do you mean Sam asked.
Just write down all this drama that just happened as your story. Yes, you were worried and now you have gotten the solution to your worry so just do as I say John said jokingly but it made sense so Sam picked up his phone and started putting down every moment they had spent and that's the origin of the story you just read.
A clever interpretation of the prompt, @iyimoga! Our personal experiences can be excellent fuel for stories.
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All writers need a friend like John to spur them on when they have writer's block!
Nice story about weekly prompts