The inkwell round #27/The same mirror.

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

Jane looked at herself in the mirror.
She couldn't help but smile at the image she saw.
The reflection was a complete replica of what she presented in front of it there was no additional beauty to what she gave the and again there was no form of reduction to her beauty.

Jane is a complete epitome of beauty, there has been much complement from people around her.

All the complement received from people is not enough as she still needs something to convince her the more on what people have been telling her about her beauty.

And the mirror is a perfect place to confirm this.

Life can be the mirror to our lives as it presents to us exactly the way we present it without any form of addiction or subtraction.

Jane was ignorant of that and then she decided to appear rude to the people around her taking absolute advantage of her looks. Unknown to her life gives exactly what you give to it.

But then Jane is up to the point when suitors started coming for her hand in marriage, but Jane had her eyes on high-class lifestyle as she sees all the guys who come for her as not capable and fit enough to handle her wellbeing. While jane was busy making out time to select who the best and right person will be the time was busy ticking fast and the mirror was always there to give back what is presented to it.

At a time the number of suitors was at about 25 to 30 and at that time she was feeling at the top of the world. Her rude attitude was on the rise but the surprising thing is that she had a good number of adherents.

But then the number of people began to reduce with time but then it did not occur to her as it was long she visited her mirror at that she was still busy with the kind of life she felt was good for her without considering the people around her.

After a while Jane discovered the number of followers dropped drastically, suitors that were ranging from 25 to 30 dropped to just 5 people it was still a good number to an extent, but little did she know that it will come a time when she will have to beg people to follow her or even call her name.

But not long the time showed up when things began to turn the other way round and the complement was not further coming followers reduced drastically even the number of suitors dropped.



Jane went back to the same mirror.

The mirror that showed to her how beautiful she was, the same mirror showed how ugly she has become.

At first, she thought the mirror is at fault then she decided to clean but it was coming from her.

That mirror is the same it did not change but she is the one who has changed. Life can also treat us in the same manner with the mirror it all depends on how we present our part.

If you present beauty you will get beauty in return and if you present the opposite of it you will get as presented.

Life itself is a mirror try as much as possible to make it look positive and the rest of the ones living on earth will be fully accomplished. Without any form of regret.

Jane realized how she has hurt and scared so many people away from her life but then it has already become too late to make amends as the center of attraction is gone already.


Wow thanks for the post this is so wonderful truly I agree with you life is just like a mirror, mirror doesn't change but you that is using it do change.

That shows we should not waste our time whenever we have the time and the strength to work hard we should not joke with it a lot of people I regret until now because they do not use their youthful age very well.

Because the more we grow up the more our strength drop you will see that what you can do at the age of 15 when you are at the age of 25 you might not have strength to do such of things that means your strength is reducing small small.

So the best thing is that we just have to be wise and utilise our time at the right time don't waste any opportunity that you see because opportunity come but once.

If Jane have not underrate those people that come to her for marriage by now he will have someone as and husband and that will be taking care of her and I bet you will still remain the same because the more we take care of our self the more our beauty shine.

because we can see a lot of woman that even though they get old that beauty still remain the same, though they might be little changed that the beauty will not be shining how it supposed to be but he will know that this person is a beautiful person.

That tell us that nothing last long in this life.

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This is a sad story, because when Jane learns her lesson it seems there is no remedy for the harm she has done to herself. The reader hopes that Jane looks beyond valuing herself by the number of suitors she has. Perhaps she will learn to value herself by how well she treats others. That is something over which she will always have control, no matter what the mirror tells her.

Thank you for posting this story in the Ink Well community, @iyimoga. A note about the word 'complement', as used here. You probably mean 'compliment'. As you use the word it means to complete or add to. 'Compliment', on the other hand, means to express praise or admiration.

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Narcissus. Sleeping Beauty. It is a shallow way to live life, as you indicate in your commentary during the story. Perhaps losing admirers will be a gift for Jane. Now she can focus on what is important about being a person. What is inside, and what one does, rather than the way one looks.Hello, @iyimoga. As I read your story I thought of different traditional tales that deal with vanity.

Thank you for sharing this story with us.

I like this, it's like someone's reflection or the reflection about life. No matter how Jane is so beautiful, people will understand that beauty is not enough itself.

Physical beauty and the mirror. Good topic, @iyimoga!

I feel that your text talks about what the object, the mirror, reflects at the same time as the image Jane emits and receives in her behaviour with others. If that behaviour only revolves around the physical beauty she possesses she will quickly lose this capital and be ruined.

Thank you for publishing this moralising story.

You got the info rightly.

You captured the essence of vanity and self-absorption. I have seen people like this, who become rude to everyone in their lives because their physical beauty gives them a sense of entitlement. Ultimately they destroy their friendships, as people get tired of being around them.

It is possible to love someone who is not beautiful. A person with a sincere heart surely can love even if external beauty is lacking. Don't you think? I hope that is true.Hello @ubani,

Thank you very much for engaging with this author.