I would prefer the beginning, rather than the end. Where everything is a virginal paradise. And reeducate humans not to damage the only spaceship they have.
I like the character's feelings ^_^
I would prefer the beginning, rather than the end. Where everything is a virginal paradise. And reeducate humans not to damage the only spaceship they have.
I like the character's feelings ^_^
Perhaps after the end, it begins anew in a similar virginal paradise? She was ready to find out. :-) I'm glad you appreciated this character. I did as well :-)
Weeeeell... Usually in the end the planet explodes and is consumed by the nearest star ;P
Exactly! That's what happens usually, but I think you can see how incredibly boring and predictable that is! So I challenge you now to think - what happens next? Join our character in her adventure! 😅She thinks a reboot of some sort, where they all begin again.
Could be they mutate energy and instead of being earthlings, now they are starlings. We must think outside of our limited human understanding and be ready to leap into the next evolution of time, space, and matter. ha ha!
If we aren't bigger than our own imaginations, then we get terribly common. I choose to be rare! Be rare with me, @jadams2k18 😅
You've remembered me, some time ago I created a story where the world was destroyed and it was the AIs that repaired it. In a world without humans, life is reborn with the help of androids. In the story, one of them encounters the most dangerous being on the planet: a human baby.
My pleasure! ^_^
Would you drop that link for your post, so I can read that story!
I have never been asked before, but it is really a pleasure for me.
Well, this was quite a while ago, my first story written on Steemit.
With more experience, I dared to create a longer story.
I thoroughly enjoyed them both, but the second longer story held my heart! I left you comments on both and even shared a wish with you 😅