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RE: Violence and Brutality in Fiction: The Ink Well's Stance

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Very well said, @mosin-nagant. For those who have experienced violence, or live in a part of the world where it is prevalent — now, or historically — the desire to write about it is undoubtedly strong.

You have a clear perspective on this, and it's great that you understand the impact words can have. We can easily re-create horrors for people that they are working hard to forget.

And yes, the possibilities for storytelling are truly endless. We open our arms and our hearts to all of them... except violence, brutality and NSFW.


Thanks @jayna. This community has a very humanist perspective, many lessons are taken from it. I was the one who studied here, even though I'm still often out of the community's code of ethics, however, I'm glad there's always someone to remind me.