You've written a complex and interesting story, @radenkusumo666. Relationships fall apart for many reasons. Clearly wealth and nice things were not all that Lisa wanted.
We have some feedback for you. When you started your story, it was through the eyes of Lisa. Then you shifted and told the story from the point of view of her husband, Antoni. It's really best to pick one point of view in a short story and tell the entire story from that perspective. The reader will sympathize with and care most about the character who is telling the story, or whose perspective the story is told in. It is different in novels. You'll often see a novel where there is a change of perspective in different chapters or sections of the book. But this rarely happens in a short story, as we only have time to become familiar with and care about one character.
Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.
Yes ma'am, I made the story a little complicated so that the reader has a wide and different point of view. Thank you ma'am.