That slap got them jobless.

in The Ink Well4 days ago (edited)


Me and my uncle walked into a jewelry store. He wanted to surprise his wife, so he chose me to pick something his wife would like, since I was familiar with my aunt's taste in accessories.

Now this was supposed to be a surprise, since I was already bribed with ice cream, pizza, and pocket money. There was no cell in me that could refuse.

We hopped into the car, went to one of those ultra-expensive jewelry stores. Just by looking at jewelry or accessories, you'd know you're spending good money, the interior was so classy and exuded a luxurious aura.

We were greeted by one of the staff members, who kindly showed us around. She had a warm smile that seemed to say ‘You’re welcome to buy the most expensive item in this store’ The service there was top-notch, or so we thought.

My uncle and I were in a dilemma on what would look best on my aunty. Everytime we pick one, the staff member shows us another set, much more beautiful. We were looking for a complete set, the necklace, ears, a wrist watch, and bracelet included. We were so focused on what to pick and paid little or no attention to the other customers or staff around.

So when we heard a loud slap from behind, everybody in the store was startled.

Most especially me, who almost dropped the full set I was holding. My heart nearly stopped from the shock, and it took a few minutes for my brain to process what had just happened. I was holding something worth $2000. Of course my mind needed to reset at that moment . On my own, I couldn't afford anything in that store.

“How many times have I told you that you can't afford anything in this store?” The staff member, Grace, shouted unmannerly to the customer.

By this point, a crowd had already gathered. Some of the staff were trying to hold Grace back because she looked like she was ready to throw hands (start a fight) at any moment.

“Were you not the one who knocked this full set out of my hands, instead of apologizing, you had the audacity to raise your hands against me.” The lady also muttered, pretty mad at the staff.

“Apologize to who!? You! You have been coming to the store everyday since last week, only to place your hands on things you can't afford, poor stupid woman.” Grace scoffed, glaring at the woman after mocking her.

“Would you shut up! Do you know who she is? you're there flaunting and bad mouthing her.” my uncle snapped, clearly frustrated. “If this is how you treat your customer here, I'm done coming here, and where is your manager to resolve this?.” My uncle quickly chipped in. He was upset by the staff's unprofessional attitude.

Of course, whatever the customer had broken was worth a lot of money, I mean a lot, I actually saw $10,000 and my jaw literally dropped. And I'm asking myself there, Did this woman just drop a piece of jewelry worth that amount? Because with that kind of money, I could start a business and live comfortably with my simple life.

Finally, the manager arrived at the scene of the commotion, he was a middle-age man likely in his 40s, he looked arrogant, and was so full of himself. Despite whatever sense he might have had, he chose to side with the staff member that slapped the customer, without listening to anything the woman had to say.

The lady was charged more than the actual price, and that's when I knew the manager and Grace were up to something shady.

“You know what? I don't blame this little girl for having the impudence to speak to me so rudely–I blame you, the manager, for allowing such behavior to take place in your store. The woman responded. Clearly upset by the way she was being treated. “Even if I don't have the money, does that give her the right to disrespect me? There's a proper way to speak to people, and you clearly lack it.”

“Madam, with all due respect, please pay up for all the damages, unless there would be consequences. You don't want my lawyer involved in this. the manager scoffed. Arm crossed. “You damaged an expensive jewelry store's product, harassed one of my staff members and you're here talking about morals.”

The entire store seemed to shrink under the weight of his words. All the staff exchanged hushed whispers, their curiosity piqued by the unfolding spectacle.

“Uncle.” I whispered to get my uncle's attention. “This situation is getting out of hand, the staff and manager are planning to scam this lady.” I said, hoping my uncle would step up and intervene.

“This situation can be handled maturely without publicly humiliating this woman.” My uncle told the manager. “She made a mistake, but your staff was equally at fault. Why would you lay your hands on a customer in a place of business? Do you want to lose your job, young lady? Don't you have any professional ethics?.” my uncle directed his statement to Grace.

“No, no, don't mind them.” The woman said, pulling out her phone as she made the transfer. “I’ve sent the payment. Go and confirm it.”

Her words instantly shifted the whole situation. Even my uncle was shocked, Grace's mouth was hung open just like mine. So this lady had such money, I thought.

That's when I knew something big was about to happen, when the staff checked, they confirmed she had indeed sent the money.

“By this time tomorrow, I don't want to see either of you in my store.” she said calmly. "And as for you, Henry, you'll be hearing from my lawyer and my husband. Did you think you could get away with inflating the price of products in here, and you still have the audacity to lie to my husband. In a workplace like this, you're having an affair with the staffs here, forgetting my husband knows your wife.

Yes! The tables have turned. Turns out all the time this lady was coming to the store, she was actually observing everyone, so she knew about Grace and the manager because they like to flaunt their relationship with no shame.

Turns out she was the owner of the place, the staff had only ever seen her husband so they assumed he was the boss. And while he was in charge, he wasn't the real boss–she was.

“And please give this man a discount.” She pointed at my uncle. Before she turned to leave.

“Madam, I think there's been a mixed up here, a very big misunderstanding, I didn't know_”

“Would you shut up Henry,” she said firmly “On Monday make sure you have your lawyer ready, because you might end up paying more than you earn here. And you have a lot to explain to my husband.” With that said, she walked out, head held high.

Grace was on the floor, a sobbing mess, while Henry was still in a state of confusion.

After purchasing what we came for, of course, they gave us the discount, when we got into my uncle's car. Almost simultaneously, we burst into laughter. My uncle's eyes were teary and red from laughing so hard.


That's how we completely forgot about the surprise we had planned for my aunt, and ended up gisting her all we had encountered in a jewelry store instead. She was happy regardless. She and my uncle were busy being all lovey-dovey rubbing their love in my face.

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Lol! I guess what happened was too much to digest in secret.😀

Some sales personnel are fraudsters, I don't know if I'm the only person that doesn't agree with them adding prices for the customers just so they could go home with their own portion of the money. And being rude to a customer is a no no.