How did my Sunday go?

in The Ink Well2 days ago

Hello everyone, how are you going today. This is a new week and I want to wish you all Avery productive week.
This article was meant to present to you, how I spent my day yesterday, being Sunday.

To start with, when I woke up around 6:30 a.m. I had to go and read my book. This was a kind of revision of what I read the day before. I wanted to memorize some important points which are necessary for my upcoming exam. I spent some time on this and later on,I went to prepare for church.

This time around, I had already gotten my transport money unlike last Sunday when I didn't have any. So I went out after doing my morning devotion to prepare for church. I took my bath, dressed up and had my breakfast. In that morning, what we ate was noodles. Although I am not a fan of this type of food, I didn't have a choice that morning to make what I wanted to eat. So I was left with the noodles.
After eating, I rested a little bit and went off to church.

When I got to the motor park where I would take bus to my church, since the church is quite far from my house. Luckily enough, I met a bus already at the pack, waiting for passengers to enter. Glad that this happened because I would be very late if I had waited any longer. Thanks to God for the driver's speed. Yes, I was able to reach my destination on time . That was around 8:55 a.m.

I joined the service immediately when I got to the church. Today, our preacher was teaching us on a topic he titled New win in an old bottle. This topic outlines a lot of benefits we have now as Christ died for us on the cross of Calvary. The topic showed us how important the death of Jesus Christ is to us today. Honestly, today was a wonderful one. We, the congregation, really enjoyed and learned a lot from it.
After the teaching, which ended around 10:40, questions were asked. The preacher answered everyone who had a question. Then we proceeded to give, another important segment of our worship.

When that was over, we had our holy communion which was meant for the baptized members. We sand hymes and songs after we ended up saying our closing prayer.
We didn't immediately and everyone exchanged greetings with the brethren.

After greeting the brethren, I headed home. When I got to the road, I met my old friend who was riding his bike to his house. Since I was going the same way with the guy, he decided to pick me up and we rode home .

Reaching home, I went back to study. You know my exam is actually fast approaching, so I was trying to cover a lot before the exam came up. When it was late , I had to go help my family with dinner preparation. When we finished the food, we had a random conversation about many things. After some moments , I felt sleepy. I left them and went to bed.

This was how my day went yesterday. A day with renewed spirit after the church service. Again, I was happy for what I read yesterday. I studied new topics on my pharmacology and it was great.

Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it.


Looking at your life, I feel that I am currently living more comfortably and wealthily than you!
I pray that your life will become easier and more prosperous in the future!Dear @jsalvage !

I wonder how my young brother Emmanuel is doing!

Yes, my friend. You can easily notice that. Also Currently, the economic situation of Nigeria is not favourable at all.

Emmanuel is fine. He's serving Nigeria at the moment 😄

Is Emmanuel in the army?