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RE: The ink well weekly fiction #4:The Way Home

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Hello @dwixer I liked your character and how he has an awareness about himself and his surroundings. I feel he recognizes the difference between his upbringing in less than favorable surroundings and his relative's more upscale living.

A lovely story of enlightenment. Your character realizes that it's not where you live, it's how you choose to deal with what life has dealt you if you have no way to improve your situation. The smile on his parents' faces revealed this truth to him.

I was wondering whether your translator picked up the right word when you say that Dan was abducted. Maybe the word should be "adopted" by his uncle? Just wondering.

Anyway, thanks so much for sharing this story. It contains a life lesson about how you view your life as compared to others who may possess more material items of comfort.

Take care.