
in The Ink Well3 months ago

"Please my son, you will be forty one years old in just few days, what have I done to you that have made you refused to get married" Josh's mother said agitating.

Please mama, I know that I'm old enough to be married, but I've not seen the right one yet, good women are very few and marriage is a life time arrangement so I better take all the time in the world and make the right decision than marry the wrong woman, Josh said to his mother.

"that means I would be long dead before you marry, you don't want me to see my grand children right? Anyways the year has ended already and a new year would be starting in just a few days, please bring a wife home by next year" Josh's mother said to Josh and left to make breakfast.


Josh sat quietly in his room with his head buried in his pillow, he wondered how time had really gone by so quickly, he would be forty one in a few days and with nothing to show for it.

All his friends are all married, infact with children already grown. Josh stopped attending reunions arranged by friends because he felt he was the only one left behind whenever he attended such gatherings. He saw his friend's with their families but he was always alone, "my life became a mess because of Cynthia" Josh said, it's been years but I still feel the pain like it happened yesterday.

Josh needed to make changes and forget about the past, everyone had moved on including Cynthia the culprit who made Josh suffer from Gamophobia, he had battled with this problem for years and had suffered from fear of commitments which lead to his inability to form any healthy relationships that would lead to marriage.

Josh had trust issues with women because of his past experience with Cynthia who deceived him, used him and dumped him for another man just few months to their wedding, Josh viewed every woman except his mother as unfaithful because of his situation. Now his mother has given him a new year resolution, which is to bring home a wife. Josh wondered how he would go about it.

Josh figured he would need help so he confided in a close friend and told him about his situation. His friend told him that he was the only one who could change his situation, he needed to let go of the past and be ready for a new start before he would be able to achieve his goals. He also needed to understand that all women are not the same, and he needs to open his heart and be sensitive to know who really cares about him and loves him for who he is.

With points taken and ready for the new year resolution of commitment and marriage, Josh started making new friends and is now more willing to attend gatherings and other fun activities. He attended an end of the year party organized by an old time friend, friends from school also attended so it was more like a mini reunion and Josh met someone that changed his life hopefully for the better.

Josh was with friends drinking and conversing when Toma walked up to them to say hi, she saw Josh and introduced herself but Josh couldn't really recall because Toma happened to be one of the cool and quiet girls back in school so most people didn't really know her. They exchanged pleasantries and really got talking, one thing led to the other and they gelled nicely and exchanged contacts.


Josh found out that Toma really liked him and had a crush on him back then in school when he was dating Cynthia. This time Josh was ready and willing to relearn so as to make the relationship work, Toma was a lovely and simple girl who appreciated even the tiniest insignificant things and Josh found happiness in her.

"I won't give up on this new found relationship, I would make it work with my all" Josh thought to himself with a smile. Josh thought to surprise his mother, he paid a visit to her with his new found happiness Toma, Josh's mother was so happy, she gave them her blessings and welcomed Toma to the family with a big hug.

Their relationship blossomed beautifully like the lilies and Josh's new year resolution was to get married to Toma. They hoped that the love they both have for each other would carry them to the new year together with the hope of achieving their marriage goals.

Josh has learnt that all women are not the same and that he should be more open, loving and forgiving. He hopes for a better outcome in the coming year in his relationship with Toma and his marriage plans to her, the love of his life and new found happiness.


I love how he opened his heart again, despite the hurt of the past, and found happiness with Toma.

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I love the fact that he didn't give up on love, although I understand that some people can be something else and they will make you see everyone the same way.

Yeah and he got the love of his life because he didn't give up

I really enjoyed reading it, there are many good passages that I can relate to. Thank you for sharing this.

Thanks for taking time to read.

This was a nice read. Enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading.