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RE: The Best Gifts aren't Wrapped!

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

There's so much in this one excellent post! I feel as satisfied as if I had just read a 20 page short story. You led me in various directions and I enjoyed the ride! I see by reading the the comments that we're all in agreement here. :)

Now I'm thinking of your dad's question. I think in today's modern society, one thing that sets it apart is the reach of our words. Long ago what you said affected your 100 person tribe but now it could potentially effect billions. Whether we're talking to one person or posting to the world, we have an opportunity to improve the listener's mood. And if we can't find something nice to say, perhaps we shouldn't say anything at all. That funny put down might get a chuckle from some but ding the psyche of many more.

Your 5 year old self might appreciate Ephesians 4:29

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

I think being moral is doing something good rather than bad to another sentient creature. The fact that we're so interconnected informs my decision to be moral in this way as each act of communication is so potentially amplified by others seeing and possibly sharing it.

And of course this ties in with the fact that we're all writing things here on a site that anyone anywhere can access at potentially any time in the future as well, since there's no way to erase anything put on this blockchain. It's good that so many of us are being moral in our writings here. Let's spread talk that might benefit our listeners!

Thanks for the meaningful post which inspired my way-too-verbose reply! :)


Not too verbose at all! I smiled while I read this response, you are fantastic 😁!!

I think being moral is doing something good rather than bad to another sentient creature. The fact that we're so interconnected informs my decision to be moral in this way as each act of communication is so potentially amplified by others seeing and possibly sharing it.

This!! The awareness that we are all interconnected, that our actions affect others... it is a moral decision to add as much good to this collective as possible. That can take so many forms!

I celebrate that the value in what you said here can be interpreted in a multitude of ways! Wonderful bible quote as well, not one I've heard quoted before! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your vibrant point of view with me Kenny 🤗 !LUV !PIZZA