Honestly your way with words amazes me with each of your stories I read, I really like this one. Not only do you have a well thought out history and lore for each of these planets and peoples, you tell it all in a way that keeps the story flowing and you don't stop for long to bring across these ideas. It's a great way to build a world or I.P because you give people enough information to be curious but, you don't focus on it more than the immediate story.
It kind of reminds me of the film 12 monkeys, where Bruce Willis's character is plunged back in time at the start of the movie to stop the apocalypse. Great film if you haven't seen it, it's a book too but I haven't read it yet.
You've set up a great narrative here and I'd like to see more, I think you could write this as a Novel or Novella. Might be worth exploring. Well done.
Like I said earlier this week...You inspired it in your own sci-fi way.
Thanks. I have something in mind but I'd love to write it on Inkwell cos I like the community but their rules include no sequels and no violence. I've been warned twice already. 😌
Yeah same with me man, but I was encouraged to carry on with what I was doing but do it in a community that accepts serials, so I started writing the rest of my stuff for the sci-fi story in the freewriters community. I do go back to the ink well whenever I can thought because I like the community. A Trip Off-World part 2 and 3 both got warnings, but I just said if it's okay would I be able to finish the story off and then move on with any future writings.
Hmmm. I'll try to do it there. Hopefully it'll work out. I'd love to finish it but I dunno if I'm skilled enough to craft out a proper literally work that can be printed.
Have some faith in yourself mate, from what I've read of yours you have it in you. Best thing to do is just carry on with it and when you have the full story written and concise you can go through it and edit it and add or take away things from it as you see fit.
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