in The Ink Well2 years ago

Mechi, a well-known mason in a small city called Palm-Hill, was called to a site in a neighbouring town to come and restructure the defaulting foundation of a building. The work was urgent, and he needed to attend to it that early. After the call, he checked the time and saw 9:00 a.m., which was considered far off because the journey to the neighbouring town takes 2 hours and also because it's the raining season. He wanted to object to going for the work, but when he gave it a second thought, he decided to go in order not to enlist his name among the disappointing Masons in town.
He arranged his tools inside the hangable bag, and he zoomed off to the bus terminal to take a direct bus.
He got to the terminal and saw all the buses empty with not even a single passenger while the bus conductors were busy shouting, "one more person to go! One chance, one chance!"
After using his eyes to check on the buses from where he was standing, he became curious. He walked to one of the shouting bus conductors and asked, "Where is the one chance bus you're referring to?"

"Oga, enter this one; people will fill up soon", the bus conductor replied, and Mechi couldn't hold it but to hiss out his disappointment and ran off from the scene to use 'along'(passing by vehicles) because that's the only option left for him if he wants to meet up with the work.

Immediately he got to the spot on the road where people stand and enter passing vehicles. A five-seater vehicle with three mature men inside, stopped for him to enter and the driver said, "Enter if you're going to NDC"

Mechi hopped in without negotiating a price with them because he was already late, he sat at the back seat in between two guys.

Along the line, the driver broke the five minutes silence and asked one of the passengers in the back seat where Mechi was seated, "As I was saying, do you know of a gold dealer around? Because I still want to sell these three pieces of gold."

"Yes, I know of a place close by, but before telling you or leading you there, I must be assured of my percentage of the money," the passenger replied instantly, and Mechi was as confused but found the topic interesting because how can a driver like that be with gold?

"Okay, there's no problem. We'll head there as soon as we drop off the passengers first," the driver responded with a convincing tone and very much concentration with the stereo.

Then the second passenger chipped in, "What if you guys carry everyone of us along and tip us at the end of the sale? Wouldn't that be better instead of getting to the destination first before going to meet the gold buyer?"

"That's a nice idea too, but I don't know if the other guy would be interested." The driver responded, and the ball was played into Mechi's court.

Mechi ran a brain quick calculation on what he would get from the work he's going to and what he would get at the end of the gold sale."Driver, I'm interested; let's go", Mechi concurred without much hesitation"

As soon as he said that, soft smiles appeared on the faces of the driver and the two passengers.
The driver hauled the vehicle, took a reverse, and drove back in the direction the first passenger gave.

Ending number one:

Within 10 minutes of driving, they landed in a half-finished building where a man in his 50s dressed in a white Muslim gown came out and welcomed them.
"You're welcome, guys," he said as he led them inside the one room building. Mechi was a little bit sceptical, but his quest to have his account fattened overshadowed his double-mindedness.

"Baba, I have the three pieces of gold with me. How much are you going to buy?" The driver asked the man after they'd all sat down.

"Gold has depreciated, but I'll be considerate enough and buy the three for 27 million naira; that's 9 million naira each."

Upon hearing this, Mechi's body got filled with goosebumps, and he quickly pictured how much fortune would get to him after the deal.

"Okay, it's fair enough. Let's deal", the driver dipped his hand into his pocket, brought out three pieces of black stones, and handed them to the Baba

"Haaa! It's still coated? I can't buy it like this. You guys must pay the sum of 2 million naira to uncoat it; if you're not paying, then take it somewhere else." The was at the top of his voice like he just saw an abominable substance.

"Baba, please use 2 million naira from what you're going to pay us to uncoat it." One of the passengers pleaded, but the Baba refused; he said it must be their own money.

Mechi, looking at the interesting drama before him, finally uttered, "Let's find a way to pay up and sell off the gold and get our money."

As soon as he said this, the four of them looked at each other and gave a sharp smile.

"Okay, since we are four, we are all going to pay 5,000 naira each. Are we ready? The driver said to the three of them, and they all echoed, "Yes!"

The Baba called out his account number, the three passengers of them (driver and two Passengers) clicked their phones and told the Baba to confirm that they'd transferred their money, and Baba confirmed instantly. "Yes, I've seen it."

Mechi logged in to his bank app; there was just 500,000 naira there, and it wasn't his personal money but money sent to him for a project. He didn't think twice; he transferred it to the driver; after all, he's going to get 10X of that money at the end.

"Okay, received," the Baba confirmed as soon as he got the credit alert.

Baba got up from his sitting position, took a calabash containing a white liquid, dipped his finger inside, and used the white liquid to touch the three guys without touching Mechi.
Mechi was getting scared because the process seemed diabolic, but he didn't care much, as far as the money would come out at the end.
Baba got back to his position after touching them. He picked up a gong and hit it once, and before Mechi's eyes, the three of them disappeared.
He became scared; he ran outside and wanted to run away, but what about his money? He bravely went back inside the room, checking and checking, but no one was found. Tears dropped from his eyes, and that was when the blindfolding enchantment at work in him was cleared off. He stayed there, crying and rolling on the floor. He's been duped.

Ending number two:

After he was done crying, he reached out to his phone to meet '17 missed calls' from Mr. Solomon, the client to whom he was going for his work before he decided to chase money. He stared at the phone for minutes, not knowing whether to call him back or just snubbed because it was 5:00 p.m. He soberly got up, put the phone back in his pocket, dusted off, walked outside, and began walking towards an open road where he could see a bus.

He finally got one immediately he came to the road, he described his destination, and luckily for him, the small vehicle was heading the same way.

Image source

While on the moving vehicle, feeling quiet and sober, the next guy close to him cleared his throat and asked him, "Do you know of any guy that buys gold around this area?"
Mechi screamed with anger, "Driver, stop this vehicle!" The loud voice scared the guy who asked him the question, and the driver pretentiously turned his head to face him and asked, "Why?"

Mechi was mad already, he was shaking the seat of the driver aggressively with his hands and legs. "I said, Stop, I want to come out!"

The driver noticed the seriousness in him and stopped the car. Mechi, with anger, quickly pushed off the door, came out, and slammed the door. "Gbim!"

That was how he saved himself from falling into the den of the 419 the second time.
He took another cab, got home, and borrowed money from his elder brother to pay up the client he wasted his money.

Yeah, he didn't tell any of his friends until one year, when he had balanced up.

Thanks for reading.


Ei eie ei ehhh😂 Its the fact hat they wanted to play the same card on him twice. But honestly, this would have been a really smart way to dupe a person.

I liked both your endings very much.


Yeah, this thing is very common and most times, it just needs quick sensitivity to be able to detect such and pull out. If you give in just a little attention, then their charm has won.

Thank you for coming 👍

Well, we all have to be very attentive then.

Thank you for coming 👍

The pleasure is always mine.☺️

Very careful and smart👌

Poor mechi, yes he was held by greed the first time, and it's really painful what he just experience and this are relatable experience because they actually happen. But he was smart the second time, now he has learned from his experience and won't be fooled again. From #dreemport #dreemerforlife

Yeah, the spirit of greed hooked him and he fell for it.
Although most times, this thing works with the help of voodoo which is used in convincing the person to get interested in the deal.
We pray we don't meet these people on our way. Amen.

Thank you for stopping by

Hmm, you did so well with this prompt and these things happen, greed has made so many people lose their lives or property. What a beautiful storyline. #dreemport

I was almost caught by these people one day. It was just God that saved me because I knew nothing about their ways by then 😎.

Thank you for coming Ama...🙈

Haha, thank for saving you oh.

Mechi the greedy fool. He wanted to share in the loot he didn't work for. This scamming method was rife in the early 2000s, I've had relatives found themselves in that situation before.

This pattern is still intact. A friend of mine shared his last week's experience to me. He was smart enough to highlight from the vehicle immediately they initiated the talk.
But on a serious note, I don't expect anyone to fall for this in this modern stage. Everyone should be aware of these tricks already

Thank you for coming

These things happen every time but it is really heart breaking how people can think of robbing others their hard earned money and belongings. May God protect us from scammers.


The most shocking thing is that, most of these scammers have children and just settled on the business as a means of living. So bad!

Thank you for coming

Very bad and I wonder the kind of training and example they are giving their children. No wonder every where people think of easy way out on things. May God help us

That's just it.
That's why people are just corrupt anyhow. They see nothing wrong in doing bad because it's what they grew up with

What a strange day Mechi had. You took an interesting approach to the two-ending challenge, @kingsleyy. The second one builds on top of the first one, instead of being an alternative to the first one. It works fine! Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

I didn't really understand how to fix that but after I read some authors work, I know better.
Thank you

What a big loss for Mechi. I can imagine the anger he felt when he heard “Do you know of any guy that buys gold around this area?" 😹😹😹

If I were the one, only God knows what would have happened 😄.

Thank you. I'm excited seeing you around.

The dialogue from the driver and passengers in the car about selling gold rings true. The way they try to draw Mechi in seems like a realistic portrayal of manipulators.