
Now that you're here, please have a look around and get to know our community. Here are a few tips for getting acquainted:Greetings, @kosiii

  • Be sure to read The Ink Well community rules at the top of the community home page, and check out our FAQ about The Ink Well.
  • We accept two kinds of short stories in The Ink Well: fictional stories and creative nonfiction stories.
  • You can find some great articles on fiction story writing in our catalog of fiction writing tips.
  • You can find information about what we are looking for in creative nonfiction stories in this post.

And please be sure to engage in the community by reading and commenting on the work of other community members. We ask everyone who post in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published.

Before re-posting in our community please read its rules. We do not curate stories about violence and we are on the lookout for any signs of plagiarism.

@kosiii, we have determined that this post does not belong in The Ink Well, and it has been muted. It will still appear on your own blog, of course.

Please do not post stories about violence, rape, torture, people being burned alive, or anything else of the sort in The Ink Well community.

We also do not accept chapter stories, or "to be continued" stories. We are a short story community only.