Intrapersonal and interpersonal peace.

in The Ink Well2 years ago


Peace as a topic can be discussed from different perspectives. I would like to approach it through the intrapersonal meaning of peace.

Before interpersonal peace can be achieved, the prerequisite is intrapersonal peace. You have to be at peace with yourself before being ready to be at peace with someone else.
Most cases of breach of peace stem out from an increase in disruption within an individual. This individual's peace is also connected with contentment.
A man without ambition is a living corpse but in pursuing whatever ambition, we need to have a sharp boundary between what promotes peace with others and what hinders the peace of the society, the former should always be pursued with great zeal.

When I graduated from college with a degree a few years ago, I was underemployed for about three years. Throughout those years, I wasn't at peace with myself. So many questions were running through my mind. I felt that having been sponsored to that level by my mother and siblings, it was time to stand on my own and create a path to my own future. I found it difficult because I could not even rent an apartment for myself and this, to me, is the first step towards breaking the bond of dependence. I was staying with my brother who was having a laundry shop. I was trying to be strong with the help of encouragement coming from my family and friends. I was holding on trying to have faith in a better day ahead when COVID-19 struck. I lost my job and my brother could not open his shop to make any income. We were barely surviving from the goodwill of people around us.

At the peak of this, I nearly considered going into crime but my training right from childhood negates such. There was an increase in reported crime rate in my community then. Many of the culprits were arrested and when investigated, it was realized that majority of them were first timers in criminality and this was not unconnected to massive loss of jobs due to lockdowns. They could not cope with the emerging reality and they took to crime.

I have seen paraded robbers, kidnappers, ritualists confessed to being initiated into such acts due to lack of jobs. But on further scrutiny, they were not just conformable with managing the low income jobs at their disposals. This made them not to be at peace with themselves.

This could be extended to a whole community, state or country. The attempt to dominate one another politically or control one another's resources has remained top of the reasons for global turmoil. A country will first of all be eluded with internal peace before depriving others of peace out of fear of uncertainty.

Two things are involved in achieving both intrapersonal peace and interpersonal peace.
The first is respect for others. You go about your activities on how to grow and develop yourself without allowing such to hurt or inconvenience your next neighbour. That's respect. Don't do unto others what you would not like them to do unto you.
Secondly, in whatever situation you are, be content with it while you strive to better yourself.

This goes beyond an individual. The world would be a better place if communities, states and countries are content with what they possess in terms of power and political influence while they continue to build on their strengths without hurting others. We need peace in the world.


I wish to complete my personal story before I conclude this piece. After scaling through hardships, fighting against depression and other intrapersonal wars during COVID 19 lockdown, I got a relatively good job two months after the lift on the lockdown. If I had taken to crime, I would have not just been talking about disruption of my own peace but others that I would have inflicted pains upon.

Try as much as possible to change an ugly situation to a better one but make peace with yourself if the change is beyond your control.
A peaceful world is possible. Make peace with yourself and respect the person next to you. May the world overcome the numerous challenges ravaging different countries.


This is so relatable, I understand the frustrations that come in and disturb one's peace.

A lot of frustration is indeed associated with such. May we find peace with ourselves and others.

Amen to that dearest...☺☺

Covid disrupted so much, it changed people’s lives and some people failed to recover. It’s good that you managed to overcome the obstacles thrown at you. ❤️💕🤗

I looked back and thank God that I followed such path. Thank you for reading.

The harsh realities of Covid disrupted so many lives. Your situation was particularly debilitating. It’s remarkable that you managed to rise above your situation and achieve a positive outcome.
You are, also, very right when you say that many turned to crime during the pandemic and that seemed to be the only way forward. Kudos to you for choosing a path that rewarded you with a tenable future.

Please remember to comment on other people’s posts in the community.

Thank you for the compliment @theinkwell. I'll continue to engage others on their posts.

WOW, this is a beautiful story, changing an ugly situation to a better one is indeed what is called a bold step. Not thinking of the challenges but making a move. I love it, thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much. Of course, such bold step is needed to keep climbing the ladder of global unity.


It is more important to make peace with yourself before making peace with other people and life. One way to make peace is to accept. Your story is good, guys.

A peaceful man would most probably extend the hands of peace to others. Thank you for reading.

My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services but I may have to increase the 0.8% fee to 2.0% if I continue to be unfunded.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #244 or consider unvoting the HBD stabilizer explained below.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

  1. reconsider supporting that proposal and unvote it, that would also help me (and others so you have to weigh this choice.)The bar to be funded is set by the HBD Stabilizer, the more votes that has, the more votes @v4vapp needs to be funded. If you want to

I'm glad to know that at the end you chose to face the realities in life without compromising your morals. Happy that you are doing well now with your new job.

You are absolutely right, we must change our lenses, and if we are seeing the black dot on the white wall, something is going on and it is internal; let's look at the positive and be okay with ourselves. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Wow. I love this. Suffix to say that the wall is not the challenge but the lense or the person.

The first step towards being a better person is always knowing yourself and being at peace with yourself even while striving for the better. Your writeup is filled with many lessons, thank you for blessing us