However, it wasn't easy. Some times, we were sent home for owing school fees, he would follow us to plead with the management to exercise patience a little for him to source for the fund. He would always tell us that knowledge through formal education and riches prevent many insults.
I know what I have faced since my childhood to this moment. I don't want you to face even a percent of it. I wish to equip you with what you need to avoid insults from the society we live in.
Though I was a brilliant child while growing up, I wasn't a type that put efforts into anything I do. To be candid, I wasn't taken my father's statement serious. Something happened along the line that changed my perspective and made me understood my father's statement. I was 15 years old when my maternal grandmother died and I was taken to my grandfather to stay with him so that I could run errands for him.
My grandfather was staying in a farm settlement. I was schooling in a town about 4 km away. I would go to the town on Sunday evening and returned to farm on Friday evening for the weekend. My uncle who was traumatized from losing his mother relocated immediately from the town to a city and left his room for me to live in. One could hardly find a child of my age staying alone then but the situations around me made me to stay alone without the control of anyone during the weekdays. This freedom nearly consumed me and jeopardized all my father's efforts to make me a better person in future. There weren't phone services in Nigeria then and my father could hardly monitor my activities.
I took bad advantage of this freedom to make bad friends. I was initiated into absconding from school to join them in doing some jobs in Motor parks - jobs like calling passengers for a vehicle loading or following the bus to move around in order to help the driver call passengers into the bus. This kind of work in Nigeria is accompanied with excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking and my case wasn't different. It was recently that I quit smoking - the last of such bad habits I was initiated into - after 17 years. I became unserious with my education. I forgot my father's statement entirely. Each Friday I go to the farm, my grandfather would welcome his grandson, a supposed student.
My life was going in the opposite direction to what my father wished for me.
The event that changed my life happened on a particular Monday. I joined three of my friends to go and work on a farm instead of going to school. We did this a lot and whatever cash we got from such work was for drinking and smoking. I was the youngest and in an effort not to be discriminated against when sharing the money, I doubled my efforts to work at about the same rate with the older friends.
Few hours into the work, the daughter of our employer brought food for us. The food was pounded yam and vegetable soup with unusual sizes of chevon. I was surprised when I saw the meat.
When did laborers begin to be treated so kindly? I imagined.
We finished the work and returned home in the evening.
We went to our employer later in the evening for our money.
After sharing the money, I got 250 naira and I later used 150 naira out of it to treat myself when I was down with body pains as a result of overstressing myself to work with my friends at the same rate earlier. On our way back home from the man's house after getting the money, we met a friend of ours staying around the same area and we stopped to greet him. One discussion led to the other and I told him how his neighbor cooked for us with a lot of meat. He was silent for a while before telling us that he hoped that the man didn't use his goat that died of sickness to cook for us. On further probing, he explained to us how the man's goat died a day before and he overheard the man instructing his son to go and dispose of the dead goat for the fear of how unsafe it was to eat but surprisingly seeing the same goat being roasted a few hours later. It was the meat that was used to cook for us.
I was angry and we confronted the man. He confessed and apologized after reporting him to the traditional ruler of the town. We accepted his apology and moved on but I sat and reflected on everything my father told me. Money avoids many insults. It was then that I realized that if I continued with my wayward life, I would end up becoming useless to myself, my parents and the society and I must be ready to encounter many of such insults later in life.
This experience changed me totally. I went back to school to face my studies and 13 years later, I got my Bachelors Degree and I am working in the Federal Civil Service presently. Education prevents many insults, now I understand.
I have discovered that parent's vision and mission statement for their children have a lot to do with how the children take life seriously. Also, children shouldn't be left independent at a tender age. They are easily manipulated.
Education indeed prevents a lot bad things from people.
Unlimited freedom at such a young age is quite damaging. I'm happy you were able to pull out from there and move on to something greater.
Thank you. I realized that a man is to a large extent responsible for the kind of life he lives in adulthood. Thank you for reading.
Education indeed prevents a lot bad things from people.
Unlimited freedom at such a young age is quite damaging. I'm happy you were able to pull out from there and move on to something greater.
Many young people are consumed by such freedom. Thank you for reading.
You're welcome.
I'm quite glad you were able to turn your life onto a better path. Great story.
Thank you.
Life lessons usually do not come easily. Your story shares the important turning point in your life when you realized that it was up to you to make something of yourself. This is a great story, @lightpen. Thank you for sharing it, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.
Thank you for your support always.
I am loving reading these creative nonfiction stories about people's lives, and their defining moments. You must be so thankful that you had that moment of harsh reality. Maybe you were ready for it. Maybe it could have been anything, but the timing of the goat meat was just perfect. But you woke up and found your way again. Can you imagine who you would be now if you didn't?
Honestly, it would have been bad for me today if I had continued with such lifestyle. Some of those my friends were stuck in it and today, you can't but pity the kind of life they are living.
I like your story, in spite of everything you learned a lesson. Before, parents used to think that if they sent their son to another city at an early age, they would become men with gallantry, but that is not the case, they are faced with situations that they have no idea how to get out of, and that is when the bad advice comes.
Wow... to be respected and cared for so little that someone would offer you that to eat :(
However it happened... I'm glad you found your way back to a better way of life. And you are smart and strong to have done it sooner that most people.
I have every faith you'll make your life a good one! 👏
Oooo yes!!!
A lot of crazy things in Nigeria really. Thank you for reading.