Filtering everything about the world into one
a singularity for clarity
for a purpose to channel your energy
killing the noise and listening to the echo
rising like a cloud of smoke
to unwind as your eyes are closed
a distant future or past comes into the time at present
holding the mind to respond as though it was physical
all in a quest to make the body feel alright
like music with a taste
unfolding to reveal what the mind quest was all about
the journey to inner peace
to unlock the inner workings and capability of the mind
freeing the mind from burdens and attachment
Inner peace and clarity
I like the calming nature of this poem. I look forward to seeing you develop your work :) Do you have a favourite poet? Who do you like?
you can also check out his book
Mellexymy favourite poet, for now, is @dante31 on Hive
Thank you
Do you have a link for the book? What is it that you like?
Yes, this is the book link
Mellexy Through Your Eyes
The book is a poetry book about love. With a focus on the eyes. What the eyes say. I like it because of its unique theme. Everything about the book is Mellow Sexy as the title says. It is one of the best poetry books I have ever read.
Ah, thank you 😀 I'll add that to my reading list!