Fate brought them together again

in The Ink Well2 months ago

Sofia bent over the ground, picked up something, and said to the boy in front of her,

"Hey, the line is back here!"

Seeing the boy standing in front of her, Sofia's eyes widened in surprise, and she took two steps back. She was standing at the front of the line, and he was talking to someone in front of her without looking at her. When he heard her, he turned to her and looked at her with the same surprise that she had looked at him with. Tears welled up in Sofia's eyes as she remembered her past.

5 years ago

Sofia and William were both in their first year. William always dreamed of becoming a good singer, but due to family pressure, he had to become a doctor. That's where he met Sofia. Sofia was a good friend of his. Not just a friend, but they were in a relationship. Sofia was a topper and she preferred her studies above everything else, and William didn't like this. He wanted Sofia to make him her priority, but Sofia couldn't do that because she was also forced to belong to a poor family and it had always been her dream to become a doctor and serve the people of her area.

William kept moving away from Sofia because she neither gave him attention nor priority, but she never wanted to go that far from him. She loved him, she wanted him more than anything in the world but she wanted to do this only when she made a doctor his choice, but William's choice was always to be a singer.

He made a mistake in life that he shouldn't have made and it changed his life. William was very depressed because of Sofia. He misbehaved with his teacher, due to which he was expelled from university, but because of his father's acquaintance, on his recommendation, he went back to the academy but the next day he had his paper. William realized that the paper he was studying was not actually for the subject he thought it was. Under pressure, he went to Sofia for help, but unfortunately, she was unable to assist him during this difficult time. Feeling overwhelmed, William decided to leave Sofia, his home, and everything behind. He decided to go away, and since then he has been away from his family and Sofia, and it was a surprising meeting with Sofia after five years, in which he was standing in front of the hospital and paying the bill.


"How are you?" William asked Sofia.

"I'm fine," Sofia asked William, seeing his deteriorating condition. "What happened to you?"

William, while reviewing his situation, said, "A friend of mine has had an accident and I don't have the money to pay for his treatment."

Sofia took the bill from his hand, saying, "I'll pay it for you"

William remembered Sofia's demeanor from his past when Sofia used to give preeminence to her studies whereas never allotted importance to William. Even when she had to, she would not be with him. Thinking this, William said, "I will make my arrangements. Thank you"

He left the line and went to the other side. He went inside the hospital. After going there, he tried to talk to the doctor a lot, but the doctor did not listen to him and said that we would not start the treatment until the bill was paid.

He was disappointed that he could not give a single person in his life the importance that he desired. Just then, Sofia arrived there. Sofia was a doctor at the hospital. Sofia saw him crying. She went to the reception and asked the receptionist what had happened to this man.

The receptionist said that William brought his friend here, but the doctors are not treating him and are asking him to collect money and pay the bill, but he does not have enough money to get his friend treated.

After thanking the receptionist, she goes to the operating room where senior doctors are present. She has requested to bring this patient, who is William's friend. She states that she will arrange for his treatment and cover all the costs for the medication.

Before the operation begins, William is informed that his friend's operation is about to begin and that his bill has been paid. When he asks, he is not told who paid his bill, but he knows who could do it. When she comes out of the operating theater, William grabs her hand, pulls her to the side, and says, "Don't do me any favors. I don't want anything from you."

Sofia looked into his eyes and said with teary eyes, "I can do so much for you, William. You are very special to me."

"But you are no longer as important to me as you were before, so stay out of my affairs," William told Sofia.

Sofia asked William, crying, "What is my mistake? I didn't do anything wrong to you. I should be angry that you left me"

William shouted, "I know, don't act in front of me. You've always considered me a useless thing."

Saying this, he leaves from there and she stands there watching him go from behind. He disappears from her sight, far away. William's friend wakes up. At that moment, a nurse is with him. Neither the doctor nor his friend William asks the nurse for water. She gives him water and he finds the nurse very beautiful. He starts talking to her and in the course of the conversation, he finds out that his doctor is Sofia. He is very sad about this, but in his heart, he is very happy that perhaps now the two of them have got the chance to meet again and the misunderstanding between them will be fixed.

He asks the nurse how the doctor is, jokingly asking her if he is capable of forming a relationship with her. In response, the nurse says, "Don't even think about it because she's very tranquil, she doesn't talk to anyone, and there's already a guy in her life."

At first, he thinks that maybe someone else has come into her life, but as the conversation continues, he realizes that it is William who is talking and he becomes happy. While the conversation is going on, William appears in front of him. He sits down with William and starts talking. Do you know who my doctor is? William replies, "I know." Thus begins their conversation he tells him everything that the nurse had told him. Then William realizes his mistake that he is doing wrong to Sofia. She has been waiting for him for five years.

He was just thinking about it when Sofia entered the room. William stands up, goes to her, and says, "Sofia, I apologize. I was wrong. I misunderstood you. I want us to start again from where we were before."

Tears started to flow from Sofia's eyes and she said, "I knew you would come back." She hugged him and started their relationship all over again.



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We rarely see relationships of this sort nowadays. People tend to move on even within the first year but this time around,we see a twist between William and Sophie. They stood the test of time for five years.


These days it is no longer is as people move on faster than expected. Thank you for sharing.

I don't usually read these kinds of love stories. But I'm glad William's friend survived.