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RE: Theinkwell Poetry Challenge Week 2/ Aroma of earth

in The Ink Well5 years ago

Hi, @josemalavem, and thanks for such a a pleasant reading.

No doubt you are a talented an experienced poet.

About your poem:

In its first two stanzas, our sensitive speaker goes swiftly and smoothly from the physical impact rain has on our senses to its mysticism, which touches us spiritually. Powerful images ("the earth /and its green sprout /are born and travel," "naked the intimacy /of the bodies," "primordial humid"...) take us to the moment in which we feel the rain beyond the physical (without lessening the sensorial relevance of this aspect), and connect with nature.

Beautiful indeed. As I read these verses, I felt the intimacy we keep with the rain (one of my favorite motives, by the way). I think the deafening sound of rainfall creates an illusion of loneliness, which reinforces this sense of intimacy, whereas the petrichor activates our memories of previous encounters (with the rain) thus producing a powerful recollection of emotions. Every word in this poem has been chosen carefully as to produce delicate images loaded with prevailing meaning.

Thanks for sharing :)


Thanks to you, @marlyncabrera, for your very complete commentary, which interprets my poem very well, and enriches its meaningful possibilities. Greetings.