I Nearly Went Nuts

Is it a coincidence that I had an awful experience at my apartment that nearly made me nuts that I had to flee my apartment for a week. Well, coincidence or not I'm just going to get on with telling my story of a night i nearly went nuts.

Last week Saturday was a day that started out like every other Saturday in my life. After the house chores and thorough cleaning of the day. I stepped out in the evening for an evening stroll. Since I've been in the house all day I decided to stretch my legs a little by taking a stroll down my street and get in some fresh air et al.

I ended up stopping by at my laundry man's place to get my clothes and also to my barbershop to cut my hair. All these were in preparation for church service the next day.

At 7pm on the dot, I was back at home. I made dinner, took a cold bath and finally tucked myself in bed for a good night's sleep. And before I knew it I was already drifting away to sleep like a baby in its mother's arms.

I've known myself not to be a deep sleeper. The slightest noise around me can wake me up from my slumber. And that night wasn't an exception.

Just after midnight, when it is said that the veil between the real world and the supernatural is at its thinnest. I woke to the sound of mischievous noises and unfamiliar voices downstairs. It was coming from the main gate that led directly into the compound. Since my room was just above the gate I could clearly hear the voices speak even though it was in whispers.

"Guy calm down, you dey make noise. I dey try open am na" I heard one of the voices say in pidgin english.
Guy, take it easy. You're making noise. I'm trying to open it.

"Be fast," another voice said.

Immediately my instinct told me that those voices were not from the occupants of my apartment. I quickly jumped up from my bed and looked down from my window and all I could see with the little flicker of light from the neighbouring compound were shadows of eight hefty men at the gate.

By now they had cut the padlock and gained access into the compound by pushing the gate wide open. Then one of them, who was armed, fired into the air.

I needed no soothsayer to tell me that my compound had been invaded. I picked up my phone to check the time and it was exactly.


To be honest, to say I was scared would be an understatement. I was utterly terrified. I nearly shit my pants

It was my first time experiencing such an incident , hence at that moment Ideas of what to do or who to call at that odd hour were lost in my head.

Since there's no known emergency number in my state of residence. I tried calling for help from my friends and families and a friend of mine who was a cop residing in the same state as me.

With shaky hands I dialled every available number on my phone. Alas, there was no network reception. It felt like my service providers swore to frustrate me that night.

I could swear I went nuts at that hour. It was a cold night but I was sweating, my feet were shaking and my head spinning.

Last minute thoughts, I quickly remembered to hide some of my costly gadgets and one of my phones which contained vital information in my WC and held the less costly phones in my hands. At least, it's better to take that one without hurting me, than for me to hide everything and they hurt me when they couldn't find anything to take.

Now, I could hear them trying to break into my neighbour's apartment. I could hear their screams and cries of fear and pain. I could hear her pleading in-between sobs.

"Please, please not the laptop, I have all my works in there"*

"Shut up ". The intruders commanded.

Soon, I heard loud bangs at my door, they were trying to break into my apartment. In a few seconds my door flung open and this group of hefty guys barged into my room.

I laid there on the floor, praying and pleading just like my neighbor. Scared of what might happen in the next minute. Lucky enough they didn't hurt me. They took my phone and searched my house and somehow they found the gadgets I hid. When they were sure there was nothing else to take, they left for the next apartment.

While at the door I heard one of them say to me.

"O boy, you get luck say you no struggle with us. We for wound you like we wound your neighbour".
You're lucky you didn't struggle with us we would have hurt you like we hurt your neighbours

The next morning, I packed my bags and fled to my uncle's house. For days I found it hard to sleep at night. And any little noise sends shivers down my spine.

I've always known that life comes with several experiences, but I'm sure that this one experience will linger with me for a long time.

Now I'm back to my apartment and everything seems to be calm. Like my dad will always say; "a true king doesn't run from his throne even when his community is in chaos".


It is impossible not to be scared after that experience. My first encounter happened when I was a kid and it was really messy. I was young but still remember the details of the horror that happened that year.

I am glad you didn't get hurt and pray that none of us should have that experience again.

It was a horrible experience. But we thank God for life.

It's unbelievable that criminals act with impunity.An overwhelming experience, @marriot5464! Let's hope it never happens again.

I'm truly sorry to hеar about your frightеning еxpеriеncе. It's clеar that you wеnt through a harrowing ordеal, and your couragе in thе facе of dangеr is commеndablе. I'm rеliеvеd to know you'rе safе now and back in your apartmеnt. Plеasе takе carе, and rеmеmbеr that your safеty should always comе first.

As the say, life goes on. Thank you for your concern.

You are welcome 🤗

It is well with you. May you never experience such again and thank God for life. I'm impressed at your courage, some people will never go back to that apartment.

This is really frightening, I kept imagining me in that position and I swear I had shit in my pants already. The good news is that you were not hurt, and along as there is still life in you, you will get all your gadgets back and even more

When there's life there hope. So definitely, I'll get it back

An experience no one will ever want to face especially when it is your first.

Thank God they did not hurt you.

I'm just glad it's all in the past now. Thank you for stopping by.

Quite an unfortunate incident.
Glad that they didn't hurt you.

Thank you. It was a terrible experience.

You've indeed been through a terrifying experience, and it's understandable that you're feeling shaken. i wouldn't wish for for such experience, it's really terrifying. so sorry.

This is not a funny story but i was smiling while reading because i could imagine how terrifying it would be.
I had one experience something like this before and it wasnt funny but telling now sound funny.
I am glad you are saved
the scenerio is enough to drive someone nut truly

It was terrible at that moment. But thank God for life.

Yes o
Thank God for life

Such an experience is scary. Very scary. The criminals are heartless.

They're truly heartless. Thank you for reading.