Secret Gifts Of Betrayal.

in The Ink Well3 months ago

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The genesis of my problem was just a single message on my phone with a picture attached to it.

“I hope you like my secret gift.”

At first, I thought it was creepy, but a few seconds later, I found myself smiling. It must be a gift from Frank, or even a joke from Barbara, my best friend. But my smile turned to chills crawling up my spine when I saw it. A picture of me and Frank in our tiny moments of recklessness, talking at the bar and holding hands in an ungodly manner.

I couldn't breathe well for some minutes. I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"Barbara doesn't have to see this picture" I whispered to myself. Whoever it was from must not let this picture get to Barbara.

I tried calling the number that sent the message but it wasn't connecting. Then I consoled myself that if Barbara were to ask what I was doing with her boyfriend at such an hour and in a restaurant, I would simply tell her it was just a harmless outing with a friend.

Yes, Frank was my friend too. I had met him back in school even before I met Barbara. But somehow he had chosen to be with Barbara instead of me. And when I had accepted my fate, thinking I had lost him forever to Barbara, he asked me out too, not minding that he was still with Barbara.

And what I had planned to be a one-time escapade with him had gone on for months into what it was today, with Barbara having no idea. And I'm sure if what I had with Frank were to go on for a longer period, Barbara would still not see the signs. She was always too busy with work and her life to notice.

I remembered how she complained to me about Frank not being in support of the way she worked hard these days and how he had changed towards her, returning late at night. I had consoled her that everything would be alright even when I knew I was the cause of her problems.

Trust me I felt bad for what I did. Barbara had been there for me through every heartbreak, every tear, every moment of doubt. I loved her more than I had ever loved anyone, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop betraying her and let go of Frank. I didn't like the way he felt with Barbara having little or no time for him but having all the time in the world to be at work.

A few days later, I had already forgotten about the text when it came again. This time, I was with Barbara at a bar; it was our lady's night.

“Another gift for you. I wonder if she knows yet.”

I tried brushing it off again, but this time, it was very difficult to do because the picture was of a more intense moment with Frank. I froze, whoever it was that was sending these pictures knew way too much than I could think of.

"Are you okay?" Barbara asked as she noticed the change in my mood.

"Yes... yes. I'm fine," I stammered, putting on a fake smile.

Then I thought of Frank, he could be the one blackmailing me with those pictures. I didn't know why, but I was so sure of it. I quickly texted him.

"Meet me tomorrow night at our usual spot. It's urgent".

I met Chris at our usual spot the next day. But this time, he didn't look at me with the same face that had always drawn me to him. This time, he had the same look of confusion I had on his face.

“Are you okay?” I asked, my voice filled with genuine concern. I tried reaching out to hold him, but instead, he pulled back and brought out his phone, and then he pushed it across the table to me. On his screen was the exact picture I was getting with the same message attached to it.

"My God, you're getting this too," I asked with my hands over my mouth.

He looked at me without saying a word but nodded.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and opened the pictures then pushed it over to him. I watched as the confusion on his face grew. "Any idea who could be behind this"

I shook my head.

Frank sat there tapping his fingers on the table. "We have to stay apart from each other for the meantime till we know who's sending these pictures and what he or she wants. Don't call me, I won't calm you. I can't afford to lose Barbara," he said, then he stood up and walked out of the restaurant without waiting to hear my reply.

I sat there tired with tears in my eyes. I felt stupid and dirty. I didn't want to lose Barbara or Frank but with the way things were going it felt like I was about to lose them

I got into my apartment that night as the message came again.

“Still don't want to back down? Expect more gifts from me”

It was a picture of me and Frank, exactly where we were that night. But this time something felt off in the picture attached to it. I looked at the picture well and in the restaurant window in the background was a reflection of Barbara. She had a camera to her face.

I felt my heart jump to my chest. She knew, she was the one sending these pictures all along and hadn't said a word

Immediately I knew I had to tell her the truth, everything. I quickly picked up my phone and called her

"Hey Barbs," I said in a calm tone as she picked up the phone.

But the voice I heard from the other side wasn't Barbara's usual voice. It was a voice filled with anger and pain. "Why, Jenny? Why?" She asked instead. "We were good friends. Why?".

"I can explain," I cried over the phone. My voice was shaky.

"It's too late. You broke that trust, you broke our friendship. It's too late" she replied. I could feel her rage and disgust for me. "If I didn't find out, would you have told me or tried to explain?".

I swear I didn't have a reply for that. She was right, although I had felt guilty about my actions all this while. But if she didn't find out I wouldn't have told her or stopped. I felt like the worst person in the world.

"To think that I nearly declined a promotion that would take me to another state and another stage of my career just to be close to him"

I kept pleading she gave me a chance to explain.

"I hate you" she added and ended the call

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. But I couldn't.

I fell on the floor and cried. Because of my selfish desires, I became what I never imagined myself to be.

A few weeks later, I moved out of my apartment to a new apartment in a new state. I didn't want to be close to Frank or Barbara anymore after everything I put her through. She never spoke to me again nor replied to my emails seeking forgiveness.

Looking back now at my past, I realized that the secret gift wasn’t a gift at all. It was my lesson in betrayal, the hardest lesson I’d ever had to learn.


Some gifts that destroyed the friendship with a great friend. The betrayal had a very high price to pay for the girl. A very interesting story to read.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent day.

Thank you for reading 😊

Thats betrayal went straight to the heart, it's hard to forgive

I'm sure she won't forgive again. Thank you for reading 😊

Betrayal from a person you trust is one of the most painful things one can feel

Barbara experienced betrayal from the two people closest to her, how heartbreaking!

Very heartbreaking.
Thank you for reading 😊

How can you claim to love your friend and you are dating her boyfriend. That's a bad thing to do to a friend.

Betrayal can be quite hurtful. Sometimes feeling remorse for our actions and wrong doings doesn't take away the pain and damage we've caused as a result to others. That's why for every action there is a consequence.

Interesting read. I enjoyed your story, especially the mystery and suspense in it.

Thank you for reading 😊

Betrayal at its peak, Barbara will find it hard to trust friends again.

Yeah she will.

Such an awful deed. Sometimes the people who betray us are the ones most close to us

In the end she lost the friendship but he did not lose the relationship. Both boyfriend and bff betrayed Barbara but it is the beef she's cutting off lol is ok.