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RE: The Landlord's Delimma..

in The Ink Well9 months ago

Omoooo, this is the highest level of wickedness. The water, locking you behind even with all your help to her shows she's really a very hardhearted human.

Omooo, that was a very big but interesting drama, it's so nice the landlady got a taste of her own dosage. Some people trade other's simplicity for stupidity. Thanks for posting, I got a story that made me laugh so well with the landlady being a trouble maker I'm sure she must be old because old people like trouble. Hahaha.


That's the surprising thing because she is not old, she should be in her 40s and that habit must be the reason why the husband left her here to live abroad.

If wickedness was a person, it would be this woman and I don't know what she derives from making everyone her enemy.

Omooo, at that age she's like this I wonder what her life will now be by the time she gets old. I pray she realizes there is no gain in creating enemity with others.