Theinkwell fiction challenge|Nervous

in The Ink Well5 years ago



My heart is beating loudly, my anxiety is growing with each second, the speed of the car isn't helping either, I can feel my nausea choking me. Dan and I are going to meet his parents, he is the heir to a multimillion company and I? I am just a girl from an average family, my parents barely managed to send me to law school and here I am, going to be introduced as a possible future daughter in-law to one of the richest families in the city, who wouldn't be nervous?

We are here already, I'm in front of a gigantic mansion, Dan's parents live in this mansion, I could feel my intimidation crawling up on my skin the moment I stepped out of the car. "Good morning Ma'am, good morning sir, nice to meet you", I managed to greet Dan's parents with a smile, I reluctantly tried to build my confidence. His father greeted and welcomed me with a warm smile that almost made me feel comfortable but was ruined with his mother's not so welcoming remark "you should try to stand upright at all time if you want to be a part of this family, weaklings aren't accepted here", that was enough to throw all my comfort out of the gate. With that we walked into the huge house, I desperately prayed my dinner wouldn't choke me when I eat it.

We're sitted at the dinning, I paid little attention to the banquet of food on the table, I haven't gotten to know his parents better but I wanted this to be over quickly, the silence in the room was cold enough to freeze me to unconsciousness. "Our son told us you are a lawyer, what job do your parents do?" his father asked. "My mum is a nurse and my father is a lawyer too, I took after him". With my reply his father smiled, I could tell he wouldn't be a problem, despite being rich he is an easy going man. "What can you offer my son if we permit this marriage or are you here to leech him?" his mother asked, I could tell she was a feisty woman. "I'm glad you asked ma'am, I work hard enough to make my own money, it might not be so much but it's enough for me to choose a man for love and companionship rather than financial gains", she scuffed, I could tell she felt a little bit of defeat but she knew I had a point.

The rest of dinner was filled with talks and laughter, his mother didn't give up trying to make me feel uncomfortable but I was well spoken enough as a lawyer to tackle every question reasonably, his father was impressed with me, his mother didn't feel bad about me so much either, our relationship was very well approved. Dan and I drove out of the gate feeling relieved, it was a nice evening for both of us, the future of our relationship was in our hands now and we wouldn't toy with it. He smiled and looked at me, "I told you there was no need to be nervous".

Thanks for reading!!


Haha. Dan is a joker, his mother would be having her for dinner if he wasn't around.