I remember!! I was thirteen! For some reason in an English class we were given a task to write with a partner and it just clicked and me and the other got wrote a small book!
Wow, that's so cool. I wonder if it was the teacher, the task, the partnership, the end result or a combination. Either way grateful your writing is here.
Thanks! I had fun with this one. Actually I always have fun writing, who am I kidding.
Good stuff. Me too, writing is like taking your brain for a walk!
I always wonder the point where the childhood brain went: ding! this writing lark is the bombshiz!
I remember!! I was thirteen! For some reason in an English class we were given a task to write with a partner and it just clicked and me and the other got wrote a small book!
Wow, that's so cool. I wonder if it was the teacher, the task, the partnership, the end result or a combination. Either way grateful your writing is here.
I wouldnt go that far with my writing, not the stuff I put up here at least :O)
It definitely wasn't the teacher, Probably the partner, we hit it off on the writing front, ridiculously so!