Theinkwell fiction challenge|Star


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"Why did you do it?"

The sound of the chirping birds stopped, we were covered in darkness, everything came to a halt at the sound of my voice, my teary eyes were filled with rage, the scene of my mother's body buried naked had not faded a bit and lying on the floor was the monster who took her life from her, the monster she had loved way more than she loved me even though I was her own daughter.

16 years ago, after the death of father mother decided to adopt, I was the only child, she thought it would be wise to a child to the family so I would have a sibling and won't be lonely growing up. I was just 12 but I loved the idea of having a sister so much that I decorated the house while waiting for mother to bring my younger sister home, I sang of love to the thought of having a sister even though I had not met her yet.

I ran out the moment I heard mother's car drive in, the pretty innocent face I saw, I could tell how much I loved her, she didn't need to share the same DNA with me for me to love her. The proud smile on mother's face as I held my sister's tiny hands in mine, she was just eight, her name was Star, that was the name I gave her, she was to be the star in my life.

Growing up, Star had always been a rebel but that never got mother upset nor did it make her reject her, most times I would joke of how mother loved her more than she loved me, if only she knew that the daughter she loved more would be the monster to end her life.

I bent down and dragged her hair,

"Answer me, why did you kill her, what did she do so wrong that she had to die?"

"She made my life hell, why didn't she tell me I was adopted? she really didn't love me, she deserved to die for decieving me"

I could feel my adrenaline rush, I took out the knife in my jacket.

"Okay, you should tell her how much you hated that she gave you a life, you should die the same way you killed her"

I was about to stab Star when I felt someone hold me, it was mother, she was smiling, how much I had missed her smile.

"You shouldn't kill her, that'll make you no different from her, let her get her punishment from the law. I'm in a better place now, be happy and don't worry about me".

She disappeared, I broke down in tears,

"Even in death she is still trying to save you Star, you don't deserve mercy"

Reluctantly I took out my phone and called the police, they were about putting Star into the car when she called out my name,

"Emily, I'm sorry. I would choose to be your sister and mum's daughter in my next life, my apologies won't make up for my wrongs and you don't have to forgive me, I will live each day paying for my sins to you and mum"

I stared with brooding eyes as they drove away. I hated her so much now but a part of me still loved her, she was my little sister, I could never completely hate her.


Thank you for reading.




Lol. Star is lucky her mom intervened. Then again there would be no intervention to save her if it were me

Wow. At first i was concerned as to aw long this storey will take me to complete but when i started reading, i didn't want it to end.

Firstly, i love the story . i was able to comprehend everything the message tried to portray and it was really a neatly written .

I feel "love of a mother" would have been a better title. But star is also a great title

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

It was my pleasure reading it