Laura and the lonely dream - Original short story.

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Laura, after waking up from a very strange dream where she was the only person left on earth, felt her skin goosebumps when she felt that being awake she had the same sensation as in her dream, however it differed a little in that she could seeing her reflection in the mirrors of her house, that's when she knew she wasn't dreaming anymore, because in dreams, you can't see your reflection, or the time, or know how you got to the place you're dreaming of. She calmed down by washing her face and drying herself in front of the mirror, but she continued with the same feeling of loneliness, Laura decides to scream to see if someone answers her, but she only hears an echo that extends until it disappears, it's a little cold, a little more than usual.

After that, she decides to walk to the kitchen and when she opens the pantry, she notices that she only has a can of beans and is surprised since she doesn't remember having bought that. When she looks closely, she realizes that the kitchen she's in doesn't it looks like hers and in a panic she runs to the bathroom to see herself in the mirror to verify that there is a reflection and indeed there is someone there which reassures her and she goes back to the kitchen thinking that perhaps she was still a little asleep and That's why she had that little hallucination of thinking that it wasn't her kitchen, she felt at home again and got ready to make her breakfast after that strange morning, but how she knew it was still morning if she hadn't seen any clock, she didn't even know exactly what she had done the night before, she only had the memory of the dream in which she was alone in the world, as she feels now, she runs to look for a watch and cannot find any, when in the midst of her terror she feels how they are looking at her from the mirror the image that she saw when she stood in front of it and only then does she realize that it wasn't her and wakes up again.


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How terrifying it would be to live in such a situation. Laura suffers from a shocking disorder that no person would want to experience.

I know right? it would be terrifying living in that loop and not knowing 😖

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