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RE: A Warrior's Faith

in The Ink Well2 months ago

A Little Glossary For You:

Ichie - Also know as the “Ozo” is the title for the elder who is second in command to the king (Igwe or Eze). He is usually appointed by the king himself.

Ofo - the king's staff of authority, without it, he cannot rule.

Dim oma - “My good husband”, an endearing term women call their husbands in Igbo land.

Anunuebe leaves - leaves taken from the anunuebe tree, a sacred tree worshipped and used for divination by the traditional Igbo people.

Ise - “Amen”

Lolo - “Queen”


How did you come by these igbo tenses?...I like the way you present your story

I did a lot of research while writing. Thank you so much for liking my story.