This happened to me last year. I had some business to do in another city. This city is famous for its ghosts and supernatural creatures, but I didn't believe in any of these stuff because I never experienced anything of the sort. Well up until last year when it happened to me. It really did!
I stayed in the city in my friend's house for several days. Another two of my friends called us and said "let's go out in the streets and have some fun before you go back to your city." We were four grown men who were riding on two motorcycles and going around the city in the middle of the night.
It was around 3 A.M and we were still out in the streets. We got lost and arrived at somewhere strange, which was not familiar to us. In the darkness I saw an old woman taller an average woman. I could take a glance at her because of the light that was shinning from the motorcycle LED headlights. I asked my friends to stop for a moment, I thought she was lost as we were. But I couldn't be more wrong. She had a hunchback and when the motorcycle headlight were shone on her, she let out a horrendous cry and her neck turned to us. She had a wrinkly pale green face and uneven filthy large teeth.
We were terrified at that point. "Let's get the hell out of here, "I said to my friend. "Don't ever put on the brake." We were riding on the motorcycle with the utmost speed. I looked back and saw she was coming after us with incredible speed as well, but half way she got tired. She led out a loud cry and said something to me, almost like cursing me. I couldn't make out what she said. We reached the house and we told my friend's father what happened to us.
"Sleep for now. Tomorrow, we will think of something," he said.
I couldn't sleep at night and all I could think about was her filthy teeth because I am the type of person who is very keen on taking care of his teeth and is all about teeth hygiene. I know this is the last thing I should have worry about but here I was.
My friend's father recommended us to see a magician friend of his and we accepted. We met him and told him what happened. We described that thing to him. He said we encountered a hag magician. They look like hags who roam around dark secluded areas and once they see humans, they consider them as their prey, something that belongs to them. They think they are the owner of those humans whom they see. They eventually kill those humans or possess them. He then opened an old book and did some incantations on top of our heads. He gave us a pendant, a blue stone. He said these will prevent her to track us down and find us!
Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well. This is a terrifying story, which finds a swift resolution in mysterious knowledge.
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Again, welcome!
Thank you. The resources are very informational. I definitely read them and make my posts better.
Wow that was a terrifying situation especially with the fact that you guys got lost. I guess the race from the hag helped find the way back home haha.
I enjoyed the story, thanks for sharing!
Yes, I guess they found their way 😃
Thanks for reading 😍
Okay that's just scary. I certainly don't want to encounter one of those hags in real life.
They are pretty scary. You normally wouldn't have encounter them anyways, they roam around secluded areas.
Thanks for reading 😀
That was a scary encounter! If I were in your shoe, I might've frozen in fear.