My first day in college

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

While still in high school, I had always dreamt of the day I would be in college. I heard a lot of tales about college, one which I found more interesting the most was that you don't wear uniforms in college, how much I hated uniforms then, the everyday washing makes me sick every single time, I was so eager to have that feeling of wearing whatever I want to class without the teacher spanking me or sending me back home. My elder brother was in college then, I wished it were me, because to me then, high school seemed like it's never ending. He will tell me tales of college, the feeling of living alone away from your family, how he sleeps and Wakes up whenever he likes, which he can't try at home, how he eats whatever he wants, he will gist me about his roommates and their various characters, but he constantly reminds me that college is not for the weak, and I have to be expressive because I will meet people that will want to get on my nerves, and I mustn't let anyone take me for a fool.

I finally got into college after passing my final exams which I prepared for like my life depended on it, of course then my life depended on it, because my dad would frightened me that if I don't pass my final exams I would never go to college, and me on the other hand desperately want to go to college, he knows how much I wanted it, the idea of not getting to college made me to wished for death instead.

I resumed college on a Monday, my dad accompanied me because my school was in the same state where I live, as we entered and drive all the way to my hostel, I was just looking around and marvelled at the way the buildings were structured, they were very big, I hadn't seen any building like that before, and I couldn't wait to settle down then go on a tour round the school. It was a long drive from the school gate to my hostel, when we finally reached, my dad brought down my stuffs from the car, and handed me over to the matron of the hostel, as he turned around to leave, a part of me wanted to go home with him as I started getting scared of being alone here, I had never been away from home before, he just hugged me and told me am a big girl, that he will always come every weekend to check on me, so he left, and the hostel matron took me to my room and helped me settled. I was the last person to resume in my room, my roommates received me well, and helped me arranged my stuffs and set up my corner.

The matron told me I had class by 3pm, but I can Skip it if I want since I just came in, I must be tired, and then I told her that won't the teacher flog me if I missed a class, and she bursted in to laughter and the rest of my roommates too and she said to memy dear, this is college, we don't have teachers here only lecturers, and no body is going to flog you for skipping a class, some students skip classes for the whole semester, but at the end they have poor grades, so don't be like those students and make sure you attend all your classes. So I left for class. On my way going I asked people around for description to my department, Accounting department, when I got there, there were different classes in the department, so I was confused on which is my class, i peeped into one of the classes, and the students were not much inside, and something told me it might be my class, so I got to the door , the lecturer was already in class, so I said excuse me sir, he didn't respond I bet he didn't hear, I said it the second time, then he came to me and said any problem?, I replied can I come in, he looked at me in awe, and one of the student shouted sir she is a jjc, the class bursted in to laughter, I felt embarrassed when I was calledjjc, jjc is the name they called newly admitted students, the lecturer then told memy dear this is year 3 class, then he pointed at a class and said that is your class, and he told me not to feel bad about what the student said, I thanked him, then I proceeded to my class.
I got to my class, it was very crowded, the lecturer hasn't come yet, the sits weren't even enough that some students had to sit on the floor, I walked slowly inside, scanning through the class to see if I could see a place to sit, and someone at the back shouted who is this smallie, again, I was laughed at by the whole class, I forgot to say I had a smallish body then, most of my mates are bigger than me, when I heard that, I just sat at the spot I stood which is on the floor, immediately the lecturer came in, and the class settled down, he welcomed us to the school, and we begun the day's lesson. Throughout the class I was just recounting my encounters just in my first day, that was when I confirmed what my brother meant by "college is not for the weak".
Thanks for the read.


In life we go through different situations that if we know how to describe them give us excellent stories. This is a very good one, thanks for sharing it, greetings and happy day.

Thanks for the read, enjoy the rest of your day.

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Ok...thanks, I will do that right away.

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Yea, I will, thanks alot

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Thanks alot inkwell, am glad to be in this community.