Creative Nonfiction: Bare feet/ Pies descalzos (ENG/ ESP)

in The Ink Well2 days ago



Bare feet

I had spent the afternoon playing with my sisters on the porch: my hair matted like a nest, my flowered dress, and my bare feet were evidence of how much fun I was having. For example, my feet had caught all the dirt and dust from the tiles, so they were all blackened and rough, looking like two little yams dug up from a conuco.

I was screaming and jumping for joy when I heard my dad's car pull up in front of the house. My childish heart immediately raced at the sound and my eyes searched back and forth for my plastic flip-flops, but as happens with some objects that hide when you look for them the most, the flip-flops disappeared from my sight. My sisters, who had their feet shod and their hair in place, came out to meet my father. I, aware of the punishment I would receive, on the contrary, slid backwards and crouched down, covering my dirty little feet with my dress, hoping that my father would not notice.



At home we were four girls at that time and three adults, my parents and my grandmother, who were trying, by all means, to educate us so that we would not be savages. One of the mechanisms they used was fear.

If we went under the table to play, there was always my grandmother's voice shouting:

"Oh, my God, those girls are going to be dwarfs!" - she would express as if it were a tragedy already consummated and we would run away from the table, terrified by the sentence.

Other times, when we swallowed the seed of a fruit that we were forbidden to eat, such as the ponsigué or the purple uvero, my mother would affirm:

"A tree will surely grow in your belly" - and we would stay awake all night feeling that the branches of a tree were growing inside our stomach.



So when I saw my father arrive home that day, I quickly hid my bare feet under my flowered dress. I knew that my dirty feet would represent a scolding or trampling: I was forbidden to be barefoot in the house. So sitting on the floor, I asked my father's blessing, without stopping to hug him and with my face down. Maybe that's what aroused his suspicion or maybe it was my little flip-flops under the furniture that made my father start to tell out of nowhere:

"Mi amor, I've come scared because there's a monster in town that's eating the girls' feet!" - said my dad to my mom in a loud voice, so we could all hear. My mom asked him, playing along:

"And that? Who told you?"

"They said on the radio: there is a huge monster that eats girls' bare feet at night".

Already at that point I was swallowing saliva and my sisters were looking at me with a sad face, sure of the terrible fate that would befall me and my bare feet.

"But the girls shouldn't be afraid because they always wear their flip-flops, don't they, girls?" - Mom asked, and my sisters, like good little girls, said a yes that echoed in my ears, like an echo in an abandoned house.



At night, while my sisters slept peacefully, I thought of that barefoot eating monster that would come to devour me if I closed my eyes. So in my childish naivety, I cleverly resolved to win the battle: from that moment on, I spent the whole day jumping and playing with my bare feet; and at night, before going to bed, I would put on my plastic flip-flops so that the monster would not crave for my realengos feet.

All images are free of charge and the text is my own, translated in Deepl


Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends

Click here to read in spanish

Pies descalzos
Yo había pasado la tarde jugando con mis hermanas en el porche: mi pelo enmarañado como un nido, mi vestido de flores y mis pies descalzos eran pruebas de lo mucho que me estaba divirtiendo. Por ejemplo, mis pies habían atrapado todo el sucio y el polvo de las baldosas, por lo que estaban renegridos y ásperos, parecían dos ñames pequeños desenterrados de un conuco.
Gritaba y saltaba de contento cuando escuché que el auto de mi papá se estacionaba frente a la casa. Mi corazón infantil se aceleró inmediatamente al escuchar ese ruido y mis ojos buscaron de un lado a otro mis chancletas plásticas, pero como sucede con algunos objetos que se esconden cuando más los buscas, las chancletas desaparecieron de mi vista. Mis hermanas, que tenían los pies calzados y el cabello en su sitio, salieron al encuentro de mi padre. Yo, consciente del castigo que recibiría, por el contrario, me deslicé hacia atrás y me agaché, tapando mis pequeños pies sucios con mi vestido, esperando que mi padre no se diera cuenta.
En casa éramos cuatro niñas en ese entonces y tres adultos, mis padres y mi abuela, los cuales buscaban, por todos los medios, la forma de educarnos y que no fuéramos unas salvajes. Uno de los mecanismos que utilizaban era el miedo.
Si nos metíamos debajo de la mesa a jugar, no faltaba la voz de mi abuela gritando:
_¡Ay, Dios mío, esas niñas se van a quedar enanas! - expresaba como si fuera una tragedia ya consumada y nosotras salíamos de la mesa corriendo, despavoridas por la sentencia.
Otras veces, cuando nos tragábamos la semilla de una fruta, que teníamos prohibido comer, como era el ponsigué o el uvero morado, mi mamá afirmaba:
_Seguro les va a crecer un árbol en la barriga - y nosotras pasábamos la noche en vela sintiendo que la ramas de un árbol estaban creciendo dentro de nuestro estómago.
Por eso cuando vi que mi padre llegó aquel día a la casa, escondí rápidamente mis pies descalzos debajo del vestido floreado. Sabía que mis pies sucios representarían un regaño o pisotón: tenía prohibido estar descalza en la casa. Así que sentada en el piso, le pedí la bendición a mi padre, sin pararme a abrazarlo y con el rostro hacia abajo. Tal vez fue eso lo que despertó su sospecha o tal vez fueron mis pequeñas chancletas debajo del mueble, las que hicieron que mi padre comenzara a contar de la nada:
_¡Mi amor, vengo asustado porque hay un monstruo en la ciudad que se está comiendo los pies de las niñas! - le dijo mi papá a mi mamá en voz alta, para que todas escucháramos. Mi mamá le preguntó siguiéndole el juego:
_¿Y eso? ¿Quién te dijo?
_Dijeron en la radio: hay un monstruo enorme que se come los pies descalzos de las niñas por las noches.
Ya en ese punto yo tragaba saliva y mis hermanas me veían con cara de tristeza, seguras de la terrible suerte que tendríamos yo y mis pies descalzos.
_Pero las niñas no deben tener miedo porque ellas siempre se ponen sus chancletas. ¿Verdad, niñas? - preguntó mamá y mis hermanas, como niñas buenas dijeron un Sí que se alargó en mis oídos, como un eco en una casa abandonada.
En la noche, mientras mis hermanas dormían plácidamente, yo pensaba en ese monstruo comedor de pies descalzos que vendría a devorarme si cerraba los ojos. Así que en mi ingenuidad infantil, resolví ganarle la batalla inteligentemente: a partir de ese momento, pasaba todo el día brincando y jugando con mis pies descalzos; y en las noches, antes de meterme a la cama, me ponía mis chancletas de plásticos para que el monstruo no se antojara de mis pies realengos.


and at night, before going to bed, I would put on my plastic flip-flops so that the monster would not crave for my realengos feet.

jajajaja that is the sort of thing I would do!
Those bare feet deserve a hug. Another wonderful piece Nancy :)

And now I have ugly feet for not taking care of them!!! Remembering my childhood makes me see where my creativity comes from. hahaha. Hugs, my friend

Well you are very creative, so perhaps we share similar things from our childhood. I used to always go barefoot and remember being told... Edward would you put on your shoes .... NOW
A huge hug my friend


Thank you very much for your appreciation, friends!

Haha, you made me smile with your experience. I also remembered that reprimand when I was a child, a way of correcting without violence, although in our innocence this generated a lot of fear in us.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Excellent Thursday.

I think it is part of the parents' manual: to try to educate in any way, even if it means scaring. A nice Thursday, my friend