Almost Went to Heaven

in The Ink Welllast year (edited)

nmore - Hive (13).png

It was just another mundane day, much like any other. The computer screen stood before me, glaring back with the intensity of my favorite game, League of Legends. Nothing special planned, just another day in my routine. That was until I heard it, that all too familiar sound - ding!

It was a message from my best friend Gale.

"Hey Carl, get ready - we're going to Batangas! I'm on my way."

I couldn't help but wonder how Gale always knew when I was free. Maybe it was some sort of extroverted best friend sixth sense. It was early in the morning, nearly my bedtime. As a night owl, I was tired and sleepy, but Gale had a way of persuading me to do things I normally wouldn't. I hadn't quite mastered the art of saying no to her yet.

Gale was like a natural disaster ever since we met in college. Whenever I wanted to spend some quality alone time, she would barge in and drag me along for whatever her latest adventure was. While I often went along with her without a choice, I never regretted it.

That was until today.

The morning sun peeked through my window, encouraging me to get up and get ready. I picked out my usual choice of clothes, a simple grey shirt, black skinny jeans, and my favorite black Nike Huaraches. I made my way downstairs and plopped myself down on the sofa, ready to take a quick nap before Gale barges into my house.

I let my eyes flutter close, only to be woken up by a blaring honk outside. Gale had arrived, her infectious grin plastered on her face. I said goodbye to my mom, who was in the midst of whipping up some breakfast and climbed into the front seat beside Gale.

"Where are we off to?" I inquired, curious about our destination.

"Cuenca, Batangas," Gale answered, her fingers busily typing the location into the navigation app on her phone. "The mountaineering club is having their anniversary celebration."

I let out a small sigh, not exactly thrilled about anything mountain related. "Alright then," I conceded, knowing that this was something Gale enjoyed and I didn't want to rain on her parade.

The navigation app's voice chimed in with turn-by-turn directions as we made our way to our destination. I sat back and relaxed, letting my mind drift as we drove further and further away from the city.

As we cruised down the highway, I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. I fought to stay awake but eventually surrendered to the lull of the moving car. When I opened my eyes, my surroundings had drastically changed. All around us were lush shades of green, interrupted only by the imposing silhouette of a distant mountain. It was a sight that I haven’t seen in a while.

As we drove towards Cuenca, Gale shared some of her exhilarating tales about mountaineering. Her voice was filled with excitement as she narrated her most challenging climbs and spooky stories. Once we exhausted the topic, we decided to sing to heartbreak songs. Little did I know that Gale had recently faced a breakup, which might have been the reason behind her impulsive trip.

Our journey led us to a big garage situated near the imposing Mt. Maculot. The moment we reached the destination, we were welcomed by Mary, one of Gale's closest mountaineering comrades. The place had a sparse attendance, with tables and chairs rented and arranged for seating. It looked more like a typical Filipino birthday party, with disposable plates and a long table adorned with dishes. The event had actually concluded last night, and we had missed it by a whisker.

With Mary, Gale, and Marvin

I was completely zoned out, lost in the depths of my phone when Gale and Mary started chatting. I wasn't really interested in their inner circle gossip. Suddenly, a man with wild and bouncy curls named Marvin joined them. They all seemed to be having a great time, laughing and chatting away.

I attempted to eavesdrop on their conversation, but the sleepiness that had been nagging at me finally took over. I drifted off into a doze, only slipping in and out of consciousness.

Then, Gale's voice pierced through my semi-conscious state with a wild idea.

“Why don’t we climb a mountain now?”

My eyes opened wide, and I sat up straight, blearily scanning the scene around me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mind immediately jumped to the worst-case scenario, picturing us tumbling off the edge of some jagged mountaintop.

“HA? Wait... Wait! What mountain? We’re not appropriately equipped to climb a mountain!” I exclaimed in a slightly disagreeable tone.

Gale, always the adventurous one, quickly reassured me that it was just Mt. Maculot, a nice mountain for beginners that didn't require much equipment.

My heart started racing as Gale turned to me and begged, "Pleaaaase Carl just this once!"

I hesitated for a moment before reluctantly giving in with a grumpy grunt. This was an adventure I never thought I'd be talked into.

It was already noon, quite late for a mountain climb, but Gale was determined to complete it. Despite that, we managed to register just in time before the cutoff. A small shack stood just 10 minutes from the base of the mountain, where we registered and paid our fees. An environmental fee was a must for every hiker and a tour guide fee for those who required assistance.

While we waited for our tour guide, we sat on some wooden benches provided in the shack. I kept silent thinking how this would end while Gale and Mary chatted. Suddenly, a man wearing a green shirt with white sleeves entered the shack. As he removed his black cap, a smile spread across his face.

“Hello, Ma’ams. My name is Randy and I'll be your guide for the climb,” he said in a friendly tone.

Randy took a seat across from us and began an introduction about the climb. He asked if everyone had climbed a mountain before or if anyone was new to this. In response, I raised my hand.

“Okay, Ma’am, you will climb next to me when the trail is steep,” he said, nodding at me.

I returned the gesture, grateful for his guidance. Randy possessed a lean frame, but his confidence in his abilities me feel a bit relieved. We could sense his years of experience in the mountain, which assured us that we were in good hands. With Randy leading us, we were ready to take on Mt. Maculot.

Gale, Mary, and Randy eagerly marched toward the entrance of the mountain. Our eyes were fixed on what was ahead of us. As we arrived, a small group of people were stationed there, checking registrations and receipts. Randy smoothly conversed with the officials, and soon enough, we got a nod to commence our hike.

Our shoes hitting the concrete floor made a faint clinking sound, which diminished as we stepped onto the trail of soil. A wave of mixed emotions washed over me- nervousness, anticipation, excitement, and terror. It was really happening.

A quiet whisper escaped my lips as I muttered to myself, "I guess I'm really doing this."

As we trekked toward the base of the mountain, we couldn't help but guffaw at some shared college memories. But as our climb continued, the talking dwindled. Our attention was solely focused on the trail ahead. With each passing minute, sweat trickled down our foreheads and clothes clung to our bodies.

The thin, winding trail up the mountain was a test of both physical endurance and mental fortitude. Some of the paths were steep and slick with loose rocks, while others were slightly rocky and more manageable. The sounds of nature surrounded me - the rustling of trees and the occasional chirping of birds - but I saw no animals except for a few cats scampering about.

Climbing up featuring Mary's Back

The serene atmosphere made me feel almost lured into a sense of calm, but looking down the trail we had just hiked made me dizzy and my head swam. I couldn't help but feel fear clawing at the edges of my mind. My breathing was shallow and I wanted to turn back, to abandon the climb and return from whence we came.

But I knew I couldn't give up. I had to push past my anxiety and keep moving forward. What was the point of this climb? I wondered as I trudged on. Was it supposed to be fun? Because I wasn't having fun at all.

We stopped for a brief respite, taking only five minutes to catch our breaths and drink some water. I tried rubbing some life into my sore muscles, but the trek only grew more challenging as we continued climbing higher into the mountain. Sweat plastered my clothing to my skin, making it difficult to bend my legs. My shoes lacked any traction on the uneven path causing me to slip.

Each time the path became steeper, I felt my grip on reality slip away. I held onto Randy's hand tightly, for it was the only reassurance I had in these perilous moments. If I lost my footing, I could tumble down the mountain's side and crash into the unyielding trees below.

There were times I had to cling to the sides of the trail with all the strength I possessed, each time praying that I wouldn't fall. My mind conjured all sorts of horrific scenarios that only fueled my panic and terror.

But despite my distress, Randy remained steadfast, gripping my hand and tugging me up the trail each time I stumbled. It was a relief, knowing that he would be there to help me if the need arose.

So, as we continued our climb, I did my best to ignore my discomfort and put faith in my companion, trying to keep my gaze forward and not dwell on the possibilities of a terrible fall.

We were winding up the side of the mountain when, out of nowhere, my footing gave way and I slightly fell. It was sheer luck that I had been clutching Randy's hand at the time. Desperately, he grasped for a nearby tree and held fast while I dangled precariously. Though I flailed and scrambled, I couldn't find a way to climb back up without his help. Finally, with his help, I managed to coax myself back to safety.

As I tried to catch my breath, a cold sweat broke out over me, and I couldn't shake it off. I cried and begged my friends to turn back or at least leave me at a stop, but we were already too far from the base. Even worse, they can’t leave me behind because of rumors whispered that the next stopover on our journey might be haunted - a chilling thought for anyone with half a mind to ghost stories.

Gale tried to keep my spirits up, telling me that it was just a little further. But my mind was frayed, and my body ached from the exertion. Sweat dripped down my back, drenching my clothes and making them cling uncomfortably to my skin. They were caked with mud from my earlier slip, adding to my discomfort.

Despite my fear, I resolved to keep going. My mantra - this too will end - echoed in my head. I wasn't going to turn back now. I wiped my tears off and continued climbing till my muscles were sore. Every step I took was heavy and my mental fortitude was pushed to its limits.

Taking a short break

We finally reached a stop, and I collapsed onto the bench, gasping for air. My heart was pounding so hard from the accident earlier, I thought it might burst through my chest. I sat there for a while, trying to calm myself down and wipe the sweat from my face. There was a small store nearby, stocked with all sorts of snacks and drinks. The prices were steep, but I didn't mind. After all, these people had to bring their wares up here on foot.

I decided to buy a bottle of water and wash my hands and arms. The cool water felt refreshing, and I felt my heart rate slowly returning to normal. After a few minutes, we picked ourselves up and continued to climb the mountain. The path was steep and treacherous, and we had to use ropes and wooden rails to keep from falling.

Finally, after two and a half grueling hours, we reached the summit.

I am standing on top of a majestic mountain, gazing out at the breathtaking view before me. The sight that meets my eyes is awe-inspiring. Below me, a tranquil lake shimmers like a jewel, hidden amongst lush forests, and rolling hills. The water is a deep, clear blue, reflecting the sky above it. The sky is like an infinite canvas painted in shades of blue, stretching out on the horizon.


I sat down on a big rock whilst Mary, Gale, and Randy go to Rockies - an extension of the mountain. I didn’t go with them as I was already content taking in the view. They also assured me they weren’t be gone for long.

As I wait for them, I feel the cool breeze on my face, and the air is crisp and invigorating as I take in this breathtaking vista. The sun is just starting to set, casting a warm, amber glow through the clouds, making the scene more beautiful. The mountains surrounding the lake are jagged and majestic, casting long shadows across the water.

As I stand there, taking in the beauty that surrounds me, I feel a deep sense of peace and contentment wash over me. Everything seems pure and serene.

I still couldn't believe I had made it to the top. Despite almost giving up halfway through, I pushed through the fear and discomfort and made it to the summit. My heart was filled with pride and accomplishment.

As I took in the breathtaking view, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my friends who never gave up on me. Their encouragement and support elevated me to new heights, both physically and mentally.

It was as if I had almost gone to heaven, figuratively speaking (and almost literally). This experience challenged me in more ways than I could have ever imagined, but it also rewarded me with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of nature and the power of determination. This was a memory I would cherish for years to come but I still had my regrets - that I wore skinny jeans that day.

This is my official entry for Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well Prompt #32. I saw this posting opportunity shared by @ayane-chan.

Banner created on Canva.
Background photo from Tatiana Syrikova.


Unplanned trips, unplanned hike is the best. Though it gave you some experiences you don't like but at the end it will give you a sense of satisfaction especially when you reach the destination. Atleast you did it even you think you can't.

Maybe that's why, even though I want to decline Gales' invitations, I still keep saying yes because, in the end, I know it will be a learning experience.

Until in the end you feel satisfied to see the beauty of nature from the top of the peak. It was incredible. I enjoyed your story friend.

I am glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by 😄

Wish I had a friend like Gale. I love people who are socially outgoing and who love a sense of adventure. I'm a mix in between but most of the time, I tend to love my peace and quiet more.

The pictures were all beautiful, particularly the last one. It must've been a relief to finally reach the summit.

Wish I had a friend like Gale. I love people who are socially outgoing and who love a sense of adventure. I'm a mix in between but most of the time, I tend to love my peace and quiet more.

Luckily, an extrovert decided to keep me as her pet introvert haha.

It must've been a relief to finally reach the summit.

It definitely was!

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Like to be taken unawares. This unplanned trip is my voodoo for a life filled with fun.
Micely written.

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Soothing story...glad you took Gale’s advice and went through such an amazing trip..reading it almost felt like I was there

reading it almost felt like I was there

I'm glad you felt that way. Thanks so much for stopping by! 😄

This is a beautiful tale of friendship, overcoming barriers, and the power of nature. It sounds as if your company helped your friend through a tough time, but it also enabled you to find a new confidence in yourself. You have described this memory with a beautiful creative element which brings your tale to life. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and for your engagement with other members of the community.

Unplanned trips are the best. Glad you could see the beauty of nature and take it all in😊

Yeah, I'm glad I was able to see something so magnificent after all the adversities. 😄

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ganda naman ng kwento~ nice one nmore~