A party to remember. 

in The Ink Well3 months ago

"Hey bro, how about later tonight you follow me to a party just a few blocks away?" Simon asks his best friend and roommate, who only prefers and likes to be indoors but loves the outdoor activities in his head.

"No, bro, I have an assignment to work on later tonight, and I cannot miss it for anything." David responded.


"I expected you to say that, but please, how about you get the assignment done now, and later tonight you go have some fun and stop spending all day and night indoors, let the school pass through you as you pass through it, do some extracurricular activities, and don't just stick to school activities?" Simon suggested.

David has always been an introvert but has also wanted to see the outside world but just doesn't know how to go about it or how to lose himself from the shackles of being introverted. Despite pleas from friends to come with them to different outings, he keeps coming up with a reason to not go with them, but after they leave, he tends to wish he had gone with them. Sometimes, when they come back and share stories of how much fun they had, he is left picturing himself doing the same.

Most times David feels like he is living a boring and lonely life, with little to no social activities, but sometimes when he remembers how much trouble his best friend and other friends have encountered from having a social life, he appreciates and holds onto his boring life and does not want to let go of it, but with so much pressure from friends, he could feel that one day he is surely going to give in and give partying and outdoor life a try. "If I keep living like this, I might never get a girlfriend." David said to himself while Simon was still trying to persuade him.

"I have really tried to get you to enjoy your stay in this school, and I think I am done trying. Enjoy your boring life." Simon said as he stood up to leave the room.

"Okay, okay. I will go; what time is the party so I can round up all school work before then?" David asked

"7 pm, bro, I hope you don't disappoint me in the end." Simon said as he walked out of the room.

Not being the outdoor and party type of person, mainly because he is the shy type and he tries to avoid crowded places, but agreeing to go to a party means he will be in the midst of people; now he is worried about how he is going to blend in and not look like an outsider. "I am definitely going to screw things up and make it obvious this is my first time." David said to himself as he started to work on his assignment in order to meet up with the timing.

Time flies, and it was time to head to the venue. Entering the party hall, his friend got dragged away by some group of friends, leaving him to fend for himself. He spotted a couch in the corner and decided to go sit there. "This is what I get after I agreed to follow him." David said as he falls into the couch

David was lost in thoughts and looking at everyone dancing and grooving, having the time of their lives, and then there was him admiring all they were doing from a corner in the room, but all that was interrupted by a lady asking him to make space on the couch so she could join him. "Hi, good evening. Hope you don't mind if I join you?" The lady asked politely.


"Not at all." David responded as he quickly brought his legs down, making space for her to sit in.

"I can see you are not the party type; I am not too, so that makes us even." The lady said, smiling.

"Is it that obvious?" David asked, "Well, I was forced out here for real, but I kind of like it here, though I am not participating in any of the activities here. Just seeing others do it is fun enough for me. I am David, by the way." David introduced himself.

"I was also dragged out here by a friend, and funny how she left me and is hanging out with other friends. I am Lydia, and it is nice to meet you." Lydia introduced herself as well, and from there, the conversation went on and on.

Since they have a lot of things in common, it helped keep the conversation going, and before they realized it, the party was over, and it was time to go home. "So can I have your number, Lydia, so we can actually keep in touch?" David asked as he was about to leave.

"Yeah, sure." Lydia said as she typed her number in on his phone.


A few weeks later he started hanging out with Lydia and going on dates, and finally she agreed to be his girlfriend. "Lucky you, I have been going to parties all my life, and I have not gotten a girlfriend from any of the parties I have attended." Simon said hearing the news, his best friend and roommate got a girl on the first party he attended.

"That one party might be my last, but it is one to remember." David said as he appreciates Simon for making him go to the party.


Sometimes we have to mingle with them just for fun sake. What a lucky guy for getting a girlfriend for the first time attending a party.

A lucky guy indeed 😂.

Thanks for dropping by.

I am glad he convinced him to attend the party, where he found his girlfriend.

Sometimes we just have to step out a little.

Thanks for dropping by.

He found love at the most boring party in the world, things happen where we least expect them. It is a very entertaining story to read.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Wednesday.