I woke up feeling really tired on a Monday morning, but being a student, no one really cares how your night was; all they care about is that you do what was expected of you as a student, which is to show up in class no matter how tired and how weak you felt. I stretched to get my phone from the drawer by my bed so I could check the lecture schedule for the day so I would know how to plan my day. "Lecture from 8am to 4pm? Who does that?" I said as I dropped my phone on the other end of the bed, wishing I could actually continue sleeping, but I realized that if I did that, I would be late and not meet up with my 8am lecture. While I was still lazing around, my phone rang. I looked at the screen, and it was Dera, my friend and coursemate.
"Did you see the type of lecture schedule course rep posted online?" Dera asked with a tone.
"Good morning, bro. I saw it, but this complaint and bitterness of yours this morning are only going to spoil your day." I said, knowing fully well that he called to complain.
"My bad, good morning, bro. Just prepare; let's head out. I will be at your place in the next 10 minutes. Before I get there, please be ready." Dera said as he hung up the phone.
I managed to drag myself out of the bed while walking like a zombie. I looked around and realized I needed to actually put the house in order before I left, as I would be coming back even more tired and wouldn't have the energy to do that, and I rushed to arrange the house as well as prepare so I wouldn't keep Dera waiting, and just when I finished and was ready to call him on the phone, I heard someone scream my name from downstairs: "It can only be Dera." I said as I picked up my book to meet him downstairs.
We got to the lecture venue, and the lecturer was already waiting by the door since the hall was not yet open. The moment the class was opened, the lecturer gave everyone present a number and gave out a sheet of paper already numbered, saying everyone should write their names against the number given to them, and anyone that comes in after then should not be allowed to write their name in the list. At around 10, the first lecture ended, and the plan was after the first lecture we would go and get something to eat before the next lecturer arrived, but we were taken by surprise when it was like a change of shift; the first lecturer handed the microphone to the next lecturer, and the rate of students leaving the hall forced him to say
"If you leave now, don't even bother coming back to tell me you were here before because I will not even listen to your pleas." The second lecturer said to force us to sit down so as not to miss his attendance.
While the lecture was on, everyone was complaining and grumbling, and it was at that moment I realized I was not the only one that left their house without having anything for breakfast. "With how hungry I am now, I can devour a full elephant if given." One of my coursemates murmured, "I did not even eat before bed last night, and I did not eat breakfast too." Another chipped in.
Some days in school will leave you wondering if the lectures had it planned out or had a discussion about it because on a normal day, lectures are known for coming a few minutes late to their classes, but this particular Monday was a different story; it was a continuous change of shift with no one allowing us to go and get something to eat. I was hungry to the point I was fidgeting; it was excessive, and since there was no food coming forth, my body adapted, and I did not even feel hungry anymore.
Finally it was 4pm, and the last lecture for the day just stepped out. "I am going home now, bro. I am using the last strength I have left in me to reach my room so I can rest a little." I said to Dera with a weak voice.
"I thought we would stop by the canteen to eat before we go home." Dera asked, giving me a look.
"It has been a really long day, bro; a chilled drink will go a very long way to rejuvenate my energy and bring me back, but let's go to the canteen and eat before going home." I responded.
On reaching the canteen, Dera did me a solid by asking for cold drinks before asking for food, and they brought very cold drinks just like I craved, "just what the doctor ordered." I said as I rushed to drink it up.
I can relate to this. A cold drink can be the best thing after a stressful, burdensome day😁
A cold drink after a long day works all the time.
Thanks for stopping by..
You're welcome