The impromptu test and the changes that followed.

in The Ink Well3 days ago

"Time is of the essence; take out anything that will implicate you. This test will last for 30 minutes since you guys have made not coming to lectures a habit." Was the first thing Frank, who is a perpetual latecomer, heard on entering the class? Immediately, he was forced to embrace seriousness as he rushed to sit on the chair closest to him.


"What is it with the time is of the essence thing I am hearing from the lecturer? What is happening?" Frank asked, but no one wanted to respond since everyone knew him to be a latecomer who comes very late and starts asking questions like one who joined others to watch a series from season 5 and wants to catch up with everything that has happened from the previous seasons.

"Clearly it is an impromptu test; you ask questions like we just started college yesterday." One of his coursemates responded with a tone.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate the information, but I do not appreciate the tone." Frank responded as he put away things that could implicate him, just like the lecturer had instructed.

"You there, if I catch you with anything, there is no way you are not getting rusticated." The lecturer shouted, pointing at Frank, who was turning around the hall looking for someone to copy from since he did not read and was not aware of the test.

The test went on for 30 minutes, and only those who read or sat with friends that read were able to answer the questions asked; many students who are exam-oriented, like Frank, could not write anything. Frank is one of those students who do not try to read or open their book until it is time for exams. This test swept him off his feet and made him realize that he needed to utilize his time and not wait until it was time for exams before he started reading.

After 30 minutes, the test ended, and all scripts were collected by the lecturer. "Why do you have this look on your face? Why are you so sad?" Shawn Frank's friend asked on seeing the look on Frank's face.

"Brooooo, I wish I could cry. You will not believe I did not write anything on my script; I mean, I submitted an empty script, bro." Frank responded as he slapped his forehead.

"I have been warning you about your habitual late coming to everything, and this is proof that indeed time is of the essence and keeping to time will save you from a lot of stress." Shawn said as he tapped Frank on the shoulder.

"Is that how you console someone who submitted an empty script?" Frank asked, giving Shawn a look.

"Just because you submitted an empty does not mean I should not tell you the truth. Learn to keep to time; every minute counts. If only you had come at the right time and sat where I and the other guys sat, there is no way you would not have gotten something to write," Shawn said.

"Thank you, and I have heard you and will try to make amends." Frank responded as they parted ways.

Frank went home thinking about his friend's advice and traveled down memory lane, and he realized how much trouble his inability to keep to time has caused him, and he decided to make amends as well as do away with anything that will cause him not to keep to time.

"I am seeing changes in you. What happened to your habitual late-coming habit? What prompted this great change? You now keep to time, and I wonder how you feel and what you have to say about keeping to time." Shawn teased, seeing that Frank no longer comes to class late and is now always on time.


"The last time I came late to class, the first thing I heard was Time is of the essence, and it took me time to actually understand what that was about. I don't want to experience that again, so I had to do away with my late-coming habit." Frank responded with a serious face.

"I am really proud of you." Shawn said as he burst into laughter.

"I did not expect encouragement from you; I expected even worse than you just bursting into laughter." Frank said, as he walked away.


Frank learned a lesson that made him change his attitude towards studying. The truth is that time is very valuable and we must take advantage of every second.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent day.

This story is indeed a reminder that time waits for nobody. Frank's experience shows how one small habit can make a big difference. I enjoyed this, thank for publishing.