The perfect surprise.

in The Ink Well3 months ago

"How do I make my feelings known? How do I approach her? Man, I have been holding back for so long, but what if she turns me down? We have been friends for so long; what if I ruin this friendship?" Daniel kept asking himself questions on how to make his feelings known to the lady he has had his eyes on for so long.

Daniel has had his eyes on Samantha for ages but was the shy type and did not know how to approach and make his feelings known, so he kept it to himself until he had it up to his neck and decided to seek advice from his best friend.


"Hey man, can I share something with you without you laughing at me?" Daniel asked on entering his friend's office

"A good morning before your question would do, but if it has to do with how to make more money, then go ahead." Ben responded, with a mischievous look on his face.

"Can you be serious for once?" Daniel asked with a tone passing the message of how important the question he wants to ask was to him.

"Okay, Mr. Dan What's your question?" Ben responded, sitting up.

"You know that friend of mine from high school, Samantha, right? Bro, the way I feel about her is out of this world, but I don't know how to go about it." Daniel said with a look on his face since he knows what his friend is capable of doing in cases like this.

"When God was giving out courage to men on how to approach women, I wonder what you were doing." Ben said, laughing, "How about secret gifts? You know women like gifts; you just leave these gifts at her doorstep and have a delivery guy take it to her office too, but you are kept anonymous, and these gifts must carry notes about how you feel about her." Ben suggested.

"I knew I could trust you; I will try it, and from there, I might get my shot." Daniel said as he exited the office smiling.

While in his own office, Daniel kept thinking about her likes and dislikes he could remember from high school, gifts she would appreciate, and the ones that would not freak her out at all. He kept brainstorming and wanted a way out and how to make the quest easy for himself, and he thought about calling her. "But that would give her a clue when she starts receiving the gifts," he said to himself as he sighed.

He finally settled to explore the many options that crossed his mind; after all, he is one of her closest companions and would be opportune to know her reactions to the gifts she received, as she shares a lot with him, and they are almost always together. He started the mission of leaving gifts at her doorstep and office like his friend suggested, and it took just two gifts for her to run to him and tell him everything he wanted to hear.


Grrrrrgrrrrr Daniel's phone rang, and looking at the screen, seeing it was Samantha, filled him with joy and excitement. "Hello, Dan, I don't know how to say it, but something kind of weird has been going on." Samantha said over the phone the moment he picked up.

"What is happening? I hope you are fine." Daniel asked, waiting patiently for her to either appreciate the gifts or talk badly about them.

"I have been receiving secret gifts. I don't know who it is, but it feels like the person really knows what I like. The wristwatch and the perfume are the best gifts I have ever received in my life, and I love them." Samantha said, smiling and blushing.

"Ohh really? What if the person likes you and wants to have something to do with you?" Daniel asked, feeling fulfilled, but her answer to his question will do even more.

"Then the person should come out of the shadows; I cannot know if I like the person or not if I do not know them." Samantha responded.

"How about we hang out later today, probably at 2 pm? How about lunch together? Daniel asked with the plans of making his intentions known and coming out of the shadows as the one behind the secret gifts.

"See you at 2 pm then." Samantha said as she hung up.

The moment the call ended, Daniel started thinking and rehearsing what to say and how to keep the conversation going and not have a boring lunch as well as make it a memorable one. "Is this what other shy guys have to deal with? Is it just me?" Daniel asked himself, laughing. Daniel continued to rehearse as he paced round the sitting room, looking at his wall clock, so he does not keep her waiting on their first date or outing.

Time flies, and the time he looked forward to was here, and he was at the venue of the meetup 30 minutes before the agreed time, waiting for her.

"Hey, I am glad you made it." Daniel said helping Samantha as she took her seat


"It is my pleasure; I have always hoped that we would do this one day." Samantha said, smiling.

"Oh really, you can order what you want, and while we wait for what we ordered, we can be talking." Daniel said, preparing to say it all.

"You have something you want to tell me?" Samantha asked with a smile.

At this point, Daniel felt it was either he strikes now or loses his chance. "Well, yes, I have two confessions to make, and I don't know how you would take them." Daniel said, raising his eyes to observe the look on her face.

"Go on, I am all ears. Why are we here if you cannot say all you have in mind?" Samantha responded, still smiling.

"Well, the first one is about those secret gifts; I am the one behind the shadows." Daniel made a face while waiting for her reaction.

"Aww, you sweet soul, I really appreciate them. I loved everything you sent; let me use this opportunity to appreciate you properly." Samantha said as she stood up to give him a hug.

"You are not angry?...." Daniel asked, "Not at all." Samantha cut in.

"Secondly, I have always had my eyes on you, and I think I have feelings for you." Daniel made the face again to see her reaction.

"Well, I have waited for you to make the move for so long, and it did take you so long, and I must confess your secret gifts did pull some strings." Samantha responded with a big smile.

"So would you do me the favor and be my girlfriend?" Daniel asked, but this time boldly since he feels the positive energy from her.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend. Your secret gift did some magic." Samantha said as she stood up to give him another hug.