I am black

in The Ink Well5 months ago

Friendships have never been my thing or so I thought. I had always admired people who would be surrounded by so many friends.

Right from childhood, I had always been tagged different just because I was born black.

Although I never really bothered because Dad was always there for me. But today, I feel nervous because what people really think of me in this school matters. I don't want to be referred to as different anymore.

Today was bright and sunny. It was the kind of day everyone would describe as beautiful but for me, it was different. It seemed like the sun decided to direct all it's pent up anger on me.

It's my first day in the university and my first time living with someone else outside my dad. The first time I'll be living independently. So many firsts.

All these thoughts raced through my mind during the drive to the school. Getting to the school, I got down from dad's car, brought down my luggage from the car's trunk and told dad goodbye. He responded with a 'Don't forget I love you' just like I had expected and pulled out of the driveway.

Walking into the dorms, a couple of heads turned around to take a good look at me and I wondered if a part of my clothing looked weird or it was just the usual disapproval I always received from people who barely knew me. I kept thinking to myself till I got to a door indicating Room number 22. I knocked and a brown-haired girl with such big eyes that looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets opened the door and stared at me. The expression on her face indicating her lack of interest in whatever I had to say.

"Hi, I was assigned to this room". I said with the most welcoming smile I could muster.

"Mtcheww, Off all students to assign to this room, it just had to be this." I heard her mutter as she turned her back and headed back into the room. The smile vanishing from my face instantly.

'What a good first impression!'

I let myself in and I was greeted with a pink painted room with two beds on either side of the room. On each side of the room, there were white tables and chairs designed for reading. Although, one already began to serve as a dressing table for my roommate. Blue curtains with cute panda designs lined the windows. That was so off. Why blue though?

I lifted the box that contained my clothes and the little bag I had carried alongside it and moved to the side of the room that seemed uninhabited. I unpacked my things and emptied the contents of the box into the wardrobe. Done with arranging my things, I plopped on the bed and picked up my phone.

That's the good thing about resuming on a Sunday. You get to rest a little before resuming what you have to do for the rest of the week. I texted Dad, watched some tiktoks and dropped my phone to sleep. I didn't bother anymore about the girl on the other side who still appeared offended at my intrusion. I don't know the reason for her anger towards me. I didn't assign myself anyways.

I woke up to the sound of the door slamming shut and my brain was quick to process the fact that I now had a roommate who apparently was still sulking. I stood up, checked the time and the low rumble from my stomach made me decide it was time for dinner. I dressed up and made my way to the cafeteria. A couple of heads whipped towards me and concentrated back on their meal or whatever conversation they were having. I couldn't blame them though. Seeing a black skinned girl with Canadian features isn't something they are used to or perhaps they're used to it but are just intent on pointing out how different I am.

Sauntering towards the counter where all variety of dishes were displayed, I requested for a bowl of pasta. It was the only thing available that I was familiar with.
After mom and dad's divorce, Serena, the help was charged with the domestic duties. She is quite skilled when it comes to preparing different sumptuous dishes.

I dipped my fork into the bowl and scooped a spoonful of the pasta. It had the blandest taste one could ever come across and I knew I just couldn't eat it. I stood up, pushed the table aside to enable my passage and I walked out. Leaving the dish containing the pasta untouched. I went to the snack store and got a burrito to make up for my lost dinner. Once done with the business I had in the cafeteria, I headed back to the dorm, intent on eating my burrito and continuing my evening.


I and dad had already made the necessary preparations concerning my registration and stuffs a week before, so I just had classes to attend today. I was nervous and uncertain about how today was going to turn out. The first person I had met and had thought would act the nicest towards me ended up being the direct opposite of everything I had envisaged in a roommate.

The moment class was over, I stood up from where I sat, picked up my bag and while attempting to cross it over my shoulder, I mistakenly touched my earpods and they fell to the ground. I looked down and saw two earpods that looked similar. My own and one other. I bent down to pick the one that seemed like my own and smiled towards the girl while she picked hers. I put them back in my ears and began to leave the class. Suddenly, the music blasting from my earpods paused, indicating the distance between the connected phone and the device. I turned back and looked at the girl. She also looked up at me. We were both playing the same song and had switched earpods. Having realized what was going on, I went back to meet her.

"I think we switched earpods" I said, beaming smiles at her and she reciprocated.

"Yeahh". She responded. There was something about her that I found comforting or rather welcoming.

"I'm Sibel, you are?" I said to her.

"I'm Rose" Then and there, we became friends. We had lunch together and looked forward to seeing each other.

Getting back to my room, I stepped in and saw that the girl I shared the room with was back. I didn't bother with greeting her. I went to my space, took of my clothes and plopped on the bed. While she was busy keeping her corner in order, I was on my phone doing some random things. It took me a while before I realized that there was no sound coming from her side anymore. I turned to look, and saw her on the floor, gasping for air. One hand on her throat and the other reaching out into the air. I rushed over and I noticed she was pointing in the direction of the reading table. I went there, shuffled through a few items and found an inhaler. I went back to her and applied it. Her eyes which had begun to flutter finally became stable. Her breathing gradually becoming even. In a moment, she regained consciousness and she enveloped me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry for everything I did. I didn't expect you to do this for me even after the way I treated you. I'm sorry" She said amidst tears and I just hugged her back. Not bothering with a response. I didn't even know her name yet.

"I was born with asthma from birth but I haven't had an attack in two years till today. But I always kept my inhaler close by. I'm sorry for the way I treated you". I broke the hug, looked at her and smiled, letting her know that I wasn't the least bit bothered by her actions all this while.

We became practically sisters after that incident and I was blessed with two friends during my first week in this school.


Beautiful story. I loved how It flowed nicely and smoothly leaving no detail out of the picture. I love it

Thank you💕

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Thank you so much for this inspiring comment💕

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LEO Power Up Day - May 15, 2024

She was lucky you are a kind soul!
Popped in from dreemport today. Great story #dreemerforlife

This is just so emotional
I love the end
In life it is good to teach people to be kind by bot retaliating their unkind acts with same attitude
Bravo, u did well

Yes. I'm glad she didn't develop a wicked heart just because she didn't have friends around her.
Thanks for reading through 💕

A lovely piece of writing, Oluchukwu. We feel your MC's pain that she buries deep and accepts. How awful that she feels that she is incapable of forming decent friendships because of those she has tried to befriend in the past. I love that, despite the rejection she has experienced, she retains her sense of empathy for others.. Her meeting with Rose was also beautifully crafted.

Sibel is a good natured person. Thank you very much for this heartwarming comment. I'm glad you loved the story💕

Sometimes things comes on it's own accord to good people. They'll definitely appreciate your worth when the timing is right.
Interesting story❤


Yes! Sibel is actually such a good person. It's good that her good nature later brought her friends. Thanks for reading through dear dreemer

You're welcome❤

You are an amazing story teller and this is a very beautiful story, I love the storyline. Life is truly unpredictable, who knew Sibel will eventually make friends in her first week?


Thank you very much for this encouraging comment. Even after she had zeroed her mind on not having any friends, she still made friends.