It has been six months and four days Mia has been endlessly battling with the trauma of losing her two parents to an auto crash right in front of her. Even though she was ten years old when the incident happened, she couldn’t get the scenario off her head; even with the sound she heard before she fainted.

Soliloquizing, frustration, horror nightmares, and tearfulness became the major attributes of Mia, and “Why am I still alive” was her nickname because you will hear her soliloquize that at least twice within forty-five minutes. Many of her classmates avoid her at all costs because they believe she has been insane ever since she survived the accident that cost her the life of her parents on her birthday, and her situation is getting worse day after day.

Just like every other day, Mia went through her normal routinely sorrowful lifestyle and was quietly lying in her bed to sleep. Though she knows she will find herself touring horror worlds as soon as she closes her eyes to sleep, but on this very day, her dream takes a darker turn.

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She finds herself in the middle of the corridor of a gigantic abandoned house surrounded by nothing but trees, and a lot of awful-looking flies in an unknown horror world. She looked to her left and all she could see were hundreds of wrecked doors covered with dust, “nothing seems alive here”, she said to herself as she quietly turned to her right. Surprisingly, she saw a postal with the image of her dad smiling at her nicely placed on one of the doors. Though everywhere was covered with dust and cobwebs hung like drapes from the ceiling, Mia lunged in the direction of the door as she ran as fast as she could to the postal.

On getting to the door, it was slightly opened. She glanced through and she saw a glowing golden box. What can this be? She asked herself looking more confused as she approached the box. The closer she approaches the box, the more her zeal to open the box. However, the closer she is to the box, the heavier the wind around the building, and the scarier she becomes. She paused for a while to rethink her choice all over again, but the charming look of the box advertises treasure, she couldn’t resist it. She stretched out her hand to grab the box, woooooops! What's that? She shouted. Wooooooooooooooooooppps!! The sound began to increase vigorously and everywhere began to shake. Mia became more afraid, she didn’t know what to do until she realized the golden box behind her had transformed into a huge monster with its four eyes glowing like the sun. She tried to run, however, the beast had already jumped on her and immediately it opened its big mouth to swallow her. Mia screamed at the top of her voice until she realized she was in her hostel, and no monster was about to swallow her.

Mia sat up, her heart pounding as if it might burst from her chest. She looked around the darkened room, the familiar surroundings providing little comfort. The terror from her dream clung to her like a second skin, making it hard to breathe. She could still feel the monster's hot, foul breath and see its glowing eyes every time she closed her eyes.

Her roommate, Emily, stirred from her sleep, awakened by Mia’s screams. “Mia, are you okay?” she asked groggily, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Mia nodded, though she was far from okay. “Just another nightmare,” she whispered, trying to sound braver than she felt.

Emily frowned with concern. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Mia shook her head. She didn't want to burden Emily with her troubles, and besides, talking about it seemed to make the nightmares more real. “No, it's fine. Go back to sleep.”

Emily hesitated, then lay back down, casting worried glances at Mia before closing her eyes again. Mia knew she wouldn’t find sleep easily. She decided to get some fresh air, hoping it might clear her mind.

She slipped out of bed and quietly made her way to the small courtyard outside the dormitory. The cool night air was a welcome relief, and she took deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. As she sat on a bench, she thought about her parents. The pain of losing them was still as sharp as ever, and she couldn't help but wonder why she was the one who survived.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered the happy moments they had shared. Birthdays, holidays, and the simple, everyday moments that now seemed so precious. The accident had taken all of that away from her in an instant, and she was left with nothing but memories and nightmares.

Mia's thoughts drifted back to the dream. The abandoned house, the corridor lined with doors, and the golden box that turned into a monster. It all felt so real, yet so surreal. Why did she keep having these dreams? What were they trying to tell her? She hugged herself, feeling a chill despite the summer night.

"Am I a fool for dreaming?" she whispered to the night. "Am I a fool for hoping things will get better?"

The wind rustled the leaves, but no answer came. Mia felt a deep loneliness settle over her. She wished her parents were here to comfort her, to tell her that everything would be okay. But they were gone, and she was left to navigate this nightmare alone.

Eventually, exhaustion overcame her, and she went back to her room, slipping into bed beside Emily. As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, she resolved to find a way to move forward. The nightmares might never go away, but she had to find a way to live with them. Her parents wouldn't want her to be consumed by fear and sorrow. They would want her to live, to find happiness again.

With that thought in mind, Mia closed her eyes. Sleep didn't come easily, but when it did, the dreams were still there, lurking in the shadows. Yet, this time, she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't a fool for dreaming. Am I a fool for dreaming?