
Oh I'm sorry you experienced a similar situation with your father. I hope he is recovered and in good health, those are my sincere wishes.
Yes, as you express it, some people, when faced with information about their health, are burdened with more emotional stress, which is harmful.Hi @omasilem thank you for your visit and for reading my story.

I take this opportunity to welcome you to our wonderful multiverse called Hive. Interact, share, be original and enjoy, the rewards and gratifications will come 👏👏👏👏👏👏😃✨

It was a pleasure to meet you, until another time.
Happy sunday.

Thank you so much, but he died last December.

Ohhh no, I'm sincerely sorry. Keep in mind that they did their best to avoid further inconvenience to you. My condolences 🙏✨