A helluva experience.

in The Ink Well11 days ago



"This solar eclipse must not scale me through, the one that happened a century ago was just heard of and nothing more but this that I am a life, I must come out to see the wonders of the universe". I soliloquize.

Then I asked the doctor, Mr. Jameson if I might have the opportunity to go out tomorrow on D-day, and he said, you must rest tomorrow as you are just reacting to the injection given to you. Your health is more important here, he said frantically.

I know arguing with him will just be like a waste of time so I reasoned a second plan.
I was admitted to the hospital due to convulsions that sprouted because of high temperatures caused by an unknown illness.

This one that the doctor will give me sleeping pills for tomorrow, the date set for the solar eclipse, makes me cry so I reckon sleeping still without uttering a word after the doctor's bad news.

Oh!! What about Simbi and Rafael? They will come to check on me today, and I will pay a plan with them, I concluded.

The doctor left that emergency ward, and after three hours of deep sleep, I was transferred to another ward, and now, I can accept visitors.

Mother and father came with Aunty Felicia and brought food, fruits, Lucozade boost, and other quick recovery items needed for me to be back on track as quickly as possible.

I told my parents my motives, telling them I didn't want to miss the show tomorrow as the hospital location was not affected, but my hometown would revolve around total darkness.

Father said that he was going to talk with the doctor and see what could be done.

"I just want to see the experience myself, and that is all", I told Daddy while they were leaving.

After father left, he went to the doctor and the doctor said there was no problem, but it was on one condition. I will be discharged on the second day and must use the doses as prescribed, which were the sleeping pills. After father agreed, saying no problem, he came back with the great news.

Then, after they left, I was just thinking and ruminating about the experience, daydreaming about how it would look. Then I slept again and woke up in the evening when my friends Simbi and Rafael came.

I told them the situation on the ground, that I would be on sleeping pills tomorrow, and asked how I could avert sleeping so I could be a witness of the eclipse I asked, Simbi said why not hide the pills when you are told to use it before leaving the hospital and I answered, My father, will be there with the doctor who is adamant that I must be on the pills so he would critically examine me to know if true I would take them. Then Rafael brought an Idea; he said, "Why can't you drink Nescafe coffee throughout the journey"?
Nescafe is a common form of coffee here that keeps people awake when used without milk or sugar which is known by all.

I shouted, "Very good." how come I had never thought of that before, so we planned they should come with my daddy tomorrow to pick me up and get the Nescafe coffee along with them. I have hot water in the flask that I will use to prepare it. " Simple as A.B.C.D, "said Simbi, and they left.

I just sprung onto the bed and forced myself to sleep heavily so that D-day would arrive, and just like a twinkle of an eye, I slept off and woke up at the right time.

I heard the doctor talking with Daddy with two other related voices murmuring underneath it, and I noticed it was Simbi and Rafael. I couldn't take the joy as I was extremely happy and said aloud, "The plan worked."
Father and Doctor looked at me in confusion as my friends were smirking beneath.

I brushed, bath, and ate, and then the doctor got me the pills, which I consumed immediately. Daddy left for the doctor's office so we could start packing, and immediately they left; Rafael brought out the container of Nescafe and poured as many as it could into my flask, and we packed up once.

We stepped out of the hospital and entered into Daddy's car. The journey should take three miles before getting home so Daddy wasn't even rushing in any way as he took his time knowing it was the house that we were going after one minute, I was already dizzy but kept on drinking then Nescafe coffee relentlessly when I saw something and all of a sudden we saw the darkness coming farther and near. Here, Daddy packed his car at first so he could adjust his sight before the journey continued.

Then here comes darkness, all moving towards where we were coming from, but the wonder that made my eyes bulgy was that it stopped a few kilometers after, and we were looking at the earth in light from our darkness part on the same earth. I don't know when I said that the universe shows wonders with different things and scenarios such as good or bad. The natural disasters, the eclipses, and other natural occurrences that were mysterious were so beautiful.

Then Daddy kicked start the car, turned on the light of the car and we continued on our journey home as if it was a night ride. Then my two friends said, as we continued our journey, "You saw universe wonder witnessing the eclipse because of the Nescafe coffee.” I laughed and hugged them tightly, knowing that it was the truth they said, and after so many pictures we took. Father continued his ride toward his hometown.

It was a helluva ride and an experience I never left without writing in my diary.


Simple stunning write-up.

Thank you, friend, for the comment and reading through.


You made good use of the words. They fit nicely.

Thanks for the compliment. We play upon words creatively. That is why we are here.


Good story. If you come to my country, and stop by in Aceh. I will offer you a cup of the best coffee, better than those sachet coffees in your story.

Laugh out loud. Good to see and sound to hear your hospitality in advance. Till then. ,😁😆😄.


Oh wow, what a nice story. I love how your friends help you to achieve your dream

Thanks for the views. It was great fun though. You are welcome.


Interesting piece dear friend, it's good to have friends that want to see you win..

Thanks for your insight. That is how it should be .


This shows the essence of having good friends who wish you well and also want to help you achieve your dreams
That’s beautiful