Let you do you and me do me.

in The Ink Well5 days ago



Let you do you and me do me.

Sitting on an open field with a friend Damilola and after we discussed as it has been a while then he stepped in with a proverb that says “ if we are friends of each other and we could not talk truth to each other and frown sometimes we are lying to each other” and continued “ I have wanted to ask you some questions and I think this is an opportunity” he said . Damilola Adeniyi , a friend who had been inquisitive about my relationship from day one that we met late last year and still has always been willing till date to hear an update. He asked ,” Niggar friend, do not tell me that you still held onto that experience that took you to the rock bottom “ and I replied him that saying that if I am still holding to that , I will not have been grown as I am at this present time and it is my choice to stay single is due to my standard and going down then was an opportunity for growth, self awareness and self development even though it was tough but it was a great lesson to crown my experience about life while we are still learning and growing everyday.

He then continues his questions as he likes to ask questions on almost everything which I liked about him and I once advised him to be a presenter or go for mass Media as it suits his personality which he just laughed and shrugged of.
He asked again; “Oye , it is very vivid. You have changed, grown more and moved forward with your plans. What if the people in your past try to come back to you life , what will you do”?

I smiled this time , giving him a pat on the shoulder and telling him that the question is impactful which is a good one. Then I said to him telling him my answer has no big deal with it . knowing this reality at this present time line is an opening eye for me. The Dawn is gone, it is a new morning. The last lesson I took for appreciation is making a decision and sticking with it. Yes!! I told him but he was still confused and not convinced so I continued.

I haven't been at ease with self Worthy love like this my whole life and I am not ready to throw that away for anyone , anything, any relationship and any ways that has not worked for me in the past , now with this feeling, I want to leave in the moment and make use of it judiciously and I would not also lose concentration to my targeted goals I explained furthermore and Damilola just nodded his head in recognition that he has digested what was said and smiled back.

Then I wanted to go back home to work on timed daily activities as it is almost 4 o'clock pm already and I told him that I will be taking my leave then he quickly grabbed my hand and he said.” Please friend , there remains one more question and after this , I will not asked further and whereas I know you don't usually come outside like that again so sitting with you now is my opportunity to asked questions bordering me about your new way of life he noted then continued”.

“ Oye , what should I expect from you as the days go by and why can't you have a lady now as you are doing well notwithstanding , you are getting old and you know I have kids and I am married. When will you marry”?

I looked at him , knowing that that was where he was heading , then I told him a fact which is not ruminating for his stomach by saying first, “you don't have to expect anything from me as the days go by , you just be you and let me be me” .“Second, Getting old should be my problem, not yours the last time I checked and having a lady is not a problem for me and having kids is not a phobia as well but it is no one's business and if I decided today to leave life without marriage and kids which I don't have that plan to though, life will still continues so no big deal on my life”. Thirdly, I said to him and was frank this time ,” if you tried to manipulate my decision and my way of life and outcome like the past did , you will also join the past you mentioned earlier I told him”. Letting him know that at this present time, I can cut off anything that is not of high purpose in my life.

I answered and he kept on looking at me as I was moving towards this exit, I looked back and told him goodbye while he kept looking till I disappeared taking the nearest bike for transportation.

I soliloquize to myself while I was on the bike which was moving towards my house direction telling myself “ The dawn of people pleasing is gone , the dawn of carrying people's cross is gone , I will do what is the best for my soul and body now,I will leave my life as it pleases me on my way to higher purpose not manipulated to or tamed to like before the dawn and I wish you all that are gone with the dawn a best life and good lucks”I concluded.


Your way of thinking and living your life is interesting. We often get carried away by what people say and how they want us to live our lives according to their thinking. In the end, it's our life and we can live it however we want because in the end, it's just us.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

Thanks you for the further veiw. I really appreciate the affirmation.
